Master data

Title: Reaching beyond the exchange of best practices. Integrating leadership’s best to advance African-European relations in a glocal view

The Podium discussion concludes the African-South Tyrolean Leadership Forum 2023 of Eurac Research. As Africa is set to become “the continent of the future” and has one of the most ambitious young generations on the globe garnering it unprecedented chances for progress, South Tyrol with its exemplary autonomy model and ethnic reconciliation experience strives to become one of the most sustainable regions in the European Union, as it advances from its high level of development and wealth. Although obviously of different sizes, structures and stages, in both cases, leadership is crucial for progress. The International Conference is organized by the UNESCO Chair in Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation at the Eurac Research Center for Advanced Studies which is dedicated to implementing the UNESCO Strategy 2022-29 which features a strong focus on Africa.

Keywords: Global Citizenship Education - International Relations - Transformative Learning - African Studies
Type: Other presentation/interviews
Event: African-South Tyrolean Leadership Forum 2023 (Bozen)
Date: 25.05.2023
lecture status: stattgefunden (online)


Organisation Address
Fakultät für Kultur- und Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung
Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft und diversitätsbewusste Bildung
Universitätsstr. 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt
To organisation
Universitätsstr. 65-67
AT - A-9020  Klagenfurt
Fakultät für Kultur- und Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung
Zentrum für Friedensforschung und Friedensbildung
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
To organisation
Universitätsstraße 65-67
AT - 9020  Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


Subject areas
  • 506008 - Conflict research
  • 506006 - Peace studies
  • 601020 - Regional history
  • 504031 - Diversity research
  • 509010 - Minority research
  • 503006 - Educational research
Research Cluster
  • Educational research
Focus of lecture
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: I)
Group of participants
  • Mainly international
  • No
working groups
  • UNESCO Chair "Global Citizenship Education - Culture of Diversity and Peace"


Organisation Address
EURAC Research
Via Druso
Italy - Alpine-Adriatic region, particularly Friuli Venezia Giulia, Venezia, Trentino-Alto Adige
Via Druso
IT  Bozen