[16W] International Management


Bezeichnung International Management
Version 2016
Ausgabe 1
Inskribierbar bis 08.07.2019
Dauer 4 Semester
Typ Masterstudium
SKZ 908
Curriculum https://www.aau.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Mitteilungsblatt-2015-2016-20-Beilage-9.pdf
Lehrveranstaltungen Lehrveranstaltungen

Allgemeine Informationen

Name Master International Management
Akademischer Grad

Master of Science (MSc)




Ja [Interessierte müssen eine Online-Bewerbung - inkludiert Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf, Nachweis über ein abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium, Nachweis über ausreichende Englischkenntnisse, Nachweis über genügend Kenntnisse im Bereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre - ausfüllen. Nach Prüfung der Unterlagen wird über die Aufnahme geeigneter KandidatInnen entschieden und KandidatInnen werden schriftlich informiert.]


Bestens qualifiziert für eine internationale Karriere: Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung stellen Sprachen sowie kulturelles Wissen und Fähigkeiten wesentliche Kompetenzen für den Wettbewerb auf internationalen Märkten dar. Das Masterstudium International Management bietet Studieninteressierten (oder zukünftigen Studierenden) die Möglichkeit, diese Kompetenzen zu erwerben. Das verpflichtende Auslandssemester dient der Erweiterung des Horizonts und befähigt Absolventinnen und Absolventen dazu, in kulturell unterschiedlichen Ländern soziale Kontakte zu knüpfen und zu pflegen. Eine Exkursion und ein kurzer Studienaufenthalt im Ausland unterstreichen zudem den kulturellen Schwerpunkt dieses Studienprogramms.

Das Studienprogramm baut auf Kultur, Wirtschaft und Management auf. Um den internationalen Flair des Masterstudiums zu gewährleisten, wird der Unterricht ausschließlich in englischer Sprache abgehalten. Eine Kombination von Lehrveranstaltungen in den Bereichen Marketing, Innovationsmanagement, Entrepreneurship, Finanzierung und Rechnungslegung, Betriebsmanagement und Logistik in globalen Kontexten dient dem Aufbau von Managementfähigkeiten. Außerdem werden Kenntnisse und theoretische Hintergründe interkultureller Kompetenz vermittelt und die Studierenden setzen sich mit verschiedenen Kulturen auseinander. Mindestens eine Exkursion und ein kurzer Studienaufenthalt im SEE/CEE-Ausland sind fester Bestandteil des Studienprogramms. „Go global“ lautet das Leitmotiv für das Pflichtsemester im Ausland, das in einem beliebigen Land der Welt stattfinden kann. Diese breite Palette an Möglichkeiten für Studierende Auslandserfahrungen zu sammeln, macht dieses Studienprogramm einzigartig.

  • Einzigartiges Studienprogramm mit einer beschränkten Zahl an Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern
  • Zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zum Kennenlernen anderer Kulturen durch Exkursionen sowie durch kurze Studienaufenthalte und Vollzeit-Studienprogramme im Ausland
  • Mehr als 100 Partneruniversitäten weltweit
  • Am Campus in Klagenfurt gibt es sehr gute Betreuungsverhältnisse, kleine Seminare und überschaubare Arbeitsgruppen. Hier finden Studierende schnell Freundschaften und Anschluss!
Studienschwerpunkte nichts eingestellt

Studierende setzen sich mit unterschiedlichen betriebswirtschaftlichen Problemstellungen im kulturellen Kontext auseinander. Sie sind in der Lage

  • Lösungen für betriebswirtschaftliche Problemstellungen mit/im interkulturellen und internationalen Kontext eigenständig zu entwickeln und in der Praxis zu implementieren.
  • Entscheidungen der Unternehmensführung, unter Berücksichtigung von Kultur, Organisation und Markt kritisch zu analysieren und zu evaluieren.
  • Unternehmensgründungen und Innovationen unter globalem und exportorientiertem Aspekt zu planen und durchzuführen.
  • internationale Märkte zu analysieren und auf die kulturellen Diversitäten der Stakeholder einzugehen.
  • Herausforderungen in den Bereichen der internationalen Rechnungslegung und rechtlichen Bestimmungen zu begegnen.

Die sehr breit gefächerte Management-Ausbildung qualifiziert Absolventinnen und Absolventen für eine Vielzahl von Positionen. Durch den Internationalen Schwerpunkt des Masters sind AbsolventInnen besonders bei multinationalen
Konzernen und Organisationen sehr gefragt.

Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Masterstudiums International Management sind für Tätigkeiten im interdisziplinären und internationalen Bereich der Betriebswirtschaften qualifiziert. Zu ihren Tätigkeitsbereichen gehören

  • Führungsaufgaben von Klein- und Mittelunternehmen,
  • Führungsaufgaben im mittleren und oberen Management international tätiger Unternehmen und Organisationen,
  • sowie Tätigkeiten in universitären sowie außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen.

Es ist im Rahmen des Studiums mindestens ein verpflichtendes Auslandssemester zu absolvieren. Im Gastland darf die Muttersprache des/der Studierenden nicht Amts- oder Unterrichtssprache sein. Während des Aufenthaltes müssen mindestens 18 ECTS absolviert werden, es wird empfohlen, dass 6 ECTS im Rahmen der Freien Wahlfächer belegt werden.

Über Erasmus+ und Joint Study können Sie an vielen Partneruniversitäten in Europa und der ganzen Welt studieren. 

Weiterführende Studien


STEOP nichts eingestellt
Required SubjectsPrinciples of International Business4,5
Principles of International Law1,5
International Marketing6
International Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management6
International Financial Management6
International Operations Management and Logistics
Cultural Skills in SEE and CEE12
Global Cultural Skills6
Electives I: Specialization in International Management16
Electives II: Advanced Cultural Skills6
Electives III: Advances in International Management12

Master thesis
including two seminars
25 + 4


Laut neuem Curriculum für das Masterstudium International Management, welches im Herbst 2016 in Kraft getreten ist, können Studierende anstelle der "Options" im Wert von 9 ECTS wahlweise eine facheinschlägige Praxis und ein dazugehöriges Seminar zur Reflexion der gewonnenen Erfahrungen absolvieren. Die Praxis kann in einem in- oder ausländischen Unternehmen, der öffentlichen Verwaltung oder einer Nonprofit-Organisation absolviert werden und muss ein Mindestausmaß von 200 Stunden aufweisen.

Anmeldefrist für Aufnahmeverfahren

März bis September 


Ja [Fachlich in Frage kommendes Bachelorstudium an einer postsekundären Bildungseinrichtung

Fachwissen im Bereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre erforderlich. Minimum: 24 ECTS

Nachweis über Englisch Sprachniveau C1]

Zusatzangebote nichts eingestellt
Weitere Informationen nichts eingestellt

Bitte richten Sie Ihre Fragen an im@aau.at

E-Mail: studieninfo@aau.at

Website der Studienprogrammleitung

E-Mail: im@aau.at

Weitere Informationen: Webseite der Abteilung


Ja [Studierende, die keinen Nachweis über Kenntnisse in betriebswirtschaftlichen Fächern vorlegen können, müssen einen Business Test an der Alpen-Adria-Universität absolvieren. Die Prüfungsliteratur ist unter www.aau.at/im abrufbar.]

Name Master International Management
Akademischer Grad

Master of Science (MSc)




Yes [Prospective students must complete an online registration form including a motivation letter in English, an updated CV in English, proof of a completed Bachelor's degree, a transcript of records, proof of English language proficiency, and proof of the required basic knowledge in business studies. Following the examination of the documents submitted, suitable candidates are invited to participate in an interview conducted via Skype, which is followed by the notification of acceptance or rejection.]


Highly qualified for an international career: In an age of globalization, languages as well as cultural knowledge and skills are essential competencies to compete in international markets. The Master’s degree programme in International Management provides students with the opportunities to acquire these competencies. The mandatory semester abroad will broaden the horizon and enable students to establish and maintain social networks in culturally diverse countries. An excursion and a short-term period of study abroad also emphasize the cultural focus of the degree programme.

The programme is based on culture, economy and management. The entire Master’s degree programme is taught exclusively in English to guarantee the programme’s international flair. A mixture of courses related to marketing, innovation management, entrepreneurship, financial accounting, operations management, and logistics in global contexts serve the formation of management skills. In addition, the focus of the programme is to enhance intercultural skills. At least one excursion and a short-time period of study abroad in the Southeast and Eastern Europe region give students the opportunity to gain valuable international experience. “Go global” is the theme for the mandatory semester abroad, which can be completed anywhere in the world. This degree is unique due to the wide range of opportunities for gaining experiences abroad.

The wide spectrum of the management training qualifies graduates for a range of positions. Thanks to the international focus of the Master’s degree, our graduates are highly sought after by multinational companies and organisations.

  • Unique Master's programme with a limited number of students
  • A wealth of opportunities to become acquainted with other cultures in the course of excursions or by spending a period of study abroad
  • Over 100 partner universities all over the world
  • The campus in Klagenfurt offers excellent supervision arrangements, small seminar groups and manageable working groups. It is quick and easy to find friends and establish connections here!
Studienschwerpunkte nichts eingestellt

Students are shown how to address a variety of business administration issues in the respective cultural context. They are able to

  • autonomously develop solutions for business administration issues with/in an intercultural and international context, and can implement the solution in the practical setting.
  • critically analyse and evaluate decisions made by corporate management, giving due consideration to culture, organisation and market.
  • plan and implement the foundation of a businesses and innovations from a global and export-oriented perspective.
  • analyse international markets and respond flexibly to the cultural diversity of the stakeholders.
  • meet and overcome challenges in the sphere of international financial accounting and legal regulations.

Graduates of the Master's degree programme International Management are qualified for professional responsibilities in international and interdisciplinary fields, e.g. for the management of small and medium-sized businesses, management positions in the middle and upper management of international companies and organisations, as well as professional activities in university and non-university research institutions.


Students are required to complete at least one compulsory semester abroad within the scope of the degree program. The native language of the student must not be the same as the official language of the host country or the language of tuition during the period of study abroad. Students must accomplish at least 18 ECTS credits during their time spent abroad, and are encouraged to select courses from the free electives worth a total of 6 ECTS credits.

Erasmus+ and Joint Study programs allow students to study at numerous partner universities in Europe and across the globe.

Weiterführende Studien

Doctoral degree programme

STEOP nichts eingestellt
Required subjectsPrinciples of International Business4.5
Principles of International Law1.5
International Marketing6
International Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management6
International Financial Management6
International Operations Management and Logistics
Cultural Skills in SEE and CEE12
Global Cultural Skills6
Elective subjectsElectives I: Specialization in International Management16
Electives II: Advanced Cultural Skills6
Electives III: Advances in International Management12
Master thesisincluding two seminars
25 + 4


Students can choose to replace the entire set of "Options“ worth 9 ECTS credits with a relevant work internship and an associated scientific reflection seminar. The internship can be completed in a domestic or foreign company, public administration, or with a non-profit organisation, and must have a minimum duration of 200 hours.

Anmeldefrist für Aufnahmeverfahren

1 March to September 2019


Yes [

Zusatzangebote nichts eingestellt
Weitere Informationen nichts eingestellt

Please address any inquiries to im@aau.at

Student Guidance Service
E-mail: studieninfo@aau.at

Office of the Programme Director
Website of the Programme Director

E-mail: im@aau.at

Further information: Website of the Department


Yes [Students who are unable to demonstrate the required basic knowledge in business studies – examinations with at least 24 ECTS credits – must take part in an admission test. The test will be conducted in English.]


Name Datum
Keine Einträge vorhanden


Mag. Nina Pongratz, Bakk. MSc.

"Master of International Management at AAU substantially enabled me to put my early discerned passion and fondness for the international beauty & fashion industry into occupational practice. I truthfully believe that especially the double degree program with La Rochelle Business School contributed markedly in pursuing a career in the luxury division of the global cosmetics market leader L´Oréal and be conducive to my current position at the French up-scale beauty brand Lancôme which I am proud to manage."

Product Manager Lancome L Oreal Luxe

Roland Tomaschitz

It is exciting to study in a programme with students coming from all over the world. The programme helps me to study in an intercultural environment and to see management in a broader context. This study programme stands out due to the personal and professional support from the professors.

Current student of International Management and former CEO of uniforce Consulting GmbH, Klagenfurt

Ante Letica, MSc.

"The Masters in International Management has provided me with some of the most crucial skills in taking a business from one market to international level. Market research, policies, finance, group work have enabled us to learn how to work in different groups of people, do proper planning and market analysis, position a business against its competition and so on. This experience has allowed me, and my other colleagues, to take on rolls in fastest growing business in Germany and the world. I believe it's a perfect learning experience, theoretically and practically, for anyone looking to work in business that runs on the international level."

Head of Global Sales Operations , digidip, Berlin

Mag. Nina Pongratz, Bakk. MSc.

"Master of International Management at AAU substantially enabled me to put my early discerned passion and fondness for the international beauty & fashion industry into occupational practice. I truthfully believe that especially the double degree program with La Rochelle Business School contributed markedly in pursuing a career in the luxury division of the global cosmetics market leader L´Oréal and be conducive to my current position at the French up-scale beauty brand Lancôme which I am proud to manage."

Product Manager Lancome L Oreal Luxe

Ante Letica, MSc.

"The Masters in International Management has provided me with some of the most crucial skills in taking a business from one market to international level. Market research, policies, finance, group work have enabled us to learn how to work in different groups of people, do proper planning and market analysis, position a business against its competition and so on. This experience has allowed me, and my other colleagues, to take on rolls in fastest growing business in Germany and the world. I believe it's a perfect learning experience, theoretically and practically, for anyone looking to work in business that runs on the international level."

Head of Global Sales Operations , digidip, Berlin

Roland Tomaschitz

It is exciting to study in a programme with students coming from all over the world. The programme helps me to study in an intercultural environment and to see management in a broader context. This study programme stands out due to the personal and professional support from the professors.

Current student of International Management and former CEO of uniforce Consulting GmbH, Klagenfurt

Debangana Mukherjee, MSc.

Masters in International Management offered at the Alpen-Adria University is a comprehensive business and management program. Over the span of 2 years, I learned important management, finance and business concepts that I currently use at my work every day.As a director business development and sales for an international company, I interact confidently with customers globally. This is thanks to the emphasis that the program had on doing business internationally. The program explained key concepts of international economics, financial management, new market development, new products and their life cycles and understanding how cultures play an important role in doing business. A lot of the course work had to be done as a team which helped me to understand how to work with cross-functional teams.

In a nutshell masters in International Management is a program offers its students a good balance of theoretical business and management concepts and their practical application which is useful in today’s global business.

Director Business Development and Sales, CISC Semiconductor Corp.

Anja Silberbauer, MSc.

Each day I am able to tap into the knowledge I acquired during my International Management studies. Because the Master degree is quite broad, you can use the theories in so many different situations. In particular, I find that I frequently refer back to the financial part of the programme, while in general, my improved business vocabulary in English has proved very useful.

CEO Harmony & Care

Debangana Mukherjee, MSc.

Masters in International Management offered at the Alpen-Adria University is a comprehensive business and management program. Over the span of 2 years, I learned important management, finance and business concepts that I currently use at my work every day.As a director business development and sales for an international company, I interact confidently with customers globally. This is thanks to the emphasis that the program had on doing business internationally. The program explained key concepts of international economics, financial management, new market development, new products and their life cycles and understanding how cultures play an important role in doing business. A lot of the course work had to be done as a team which helped me to understand how to work with cross-functional teams.

In a nutshell masters in International Management is a program offers its students a good balance of theoretical business and management concepts and their practical application which is useful in today’s global business.

Director Business Development and Sales, CISC Semiconductor Corp.

Anja Silberbauer, MSc.

Each day I am able to tap into the knowledge I acquired during my International Management studies. Because the Master degree is quite broad, you can use the theories in so many different situations. In particular, I find that I frequently refer back to the financial part of the programme, while in general, my improved business vocabulary in English has proved very useful.

CEO Harmony & Care

Felix Röttl, Bakk. MSc.

"The master’s programme International Management offers excellent student services and a highly professional linkage of theory input and practice. Moreover exchange of experiences between international students and a mandatory semester abroad provide ideal prerequisites to pursue an international career. The focus on SEE and CEE countries is a further advantage for graduates. This greatly helps me in my current position as a group controller in the country support (e.g. Slovenia, Serbia)."

Group Controller, Porsche Bank

Felix Röttl, Bakk. MSc.

"Das Masterstudium International Management an der AAU punktet mit einer optimalen Betreuung der Studierenden und bietet eine ausgezeichnete Verknüpfung zwischen fachlicher Theorie und Praxis. Der Erfahrungsaustausch mit internationalen Studenten und ein verpflichtendes Auslandssemester schaffen ideale Voraussetzungen für eine internationale Karriere. Der Fokus auf CEE Länder ist ein zusätzlicher Vorteil für Absolventen und hilft mir in meiner Tätigkeit als Group Controller in der Länderbetreuung (Slowenien, Serbien, Montenegro und Mazedonien) in der Porsche Bank."

Group Controller, Porsche Bank