551.350 (17W) Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: It's just a game? Video games, ethics and politics

Wintersemester 2017/18

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Erster Termin der LV
02.10.2017 12:00 - 14:00 N.0.27 On Campus
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LV-Titel englisch Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: It's just a game? Video games, ethics and politics
LV-Art Seminar (prüfungsimmanente LV )
Semesterstunde/n 2.0
ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte 8.0
Anmeldungen 14 (20 max.)
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
mögliche Sprache/n der Leistungserbringung Englisch
LV-Beginn 02.10.2017
eLearning zum Moodle-Kurs

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Intendierte Lernergebnisse

Students will acquire a theoretically founded, practical, and comprehensive understanding of the basic terminology and methodology of videogame criticism, with a special focus on gender, as well as the ethical and political levels of the medium. They will develop a deep and contextualised understanding of signature game titles that in their design elements address relevant issues, with equal consideration given to various genres, indie- and mainstream releases.

Lehrmethodik inkl. Einsatz von eLearning-Tools

The format of this class is based on active and egalitarian student participation, and will have a strong workshop character. After discussing the general theoretical framework in the group, team-presentations focusing on specific videogame critiques take over. These are followed by a student-driven Q&A to prepare for a collaborative in-depth analysis of selected sections of the games discussed. A willingness to contribute actively to a cooperative, supportive, and inspirational atmosphere is expected from all participants.


To give us enough time to do in-depth work with each of the example texts and provide us with an overview of the diversity of possible design approaches in terms of narrative, aesthetics, mechanics, and ethics, we will only deal with a maximum of ten example videogames. Some options are suggested by the course teacher in the course description, and students are invited to contribute additional title suggestions during the first session. In the wrap-up session at the end of the seminar, students will be expected to share and constructively discuss each other's ideas for seminar paper topics.


All articles and chapters used for the theoretical framework of the seminar will be shared on Moodle, or are available at the AAU library.

Suggested videogame titles for analysis are:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011)

Dishonored (2012)

Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)

Firewatch (2016)

Guild Wars 2 (2012)

Heavy Rain (2010)

Life is Strange (2015)

Mass Effect 3 (2012)

Prey (2017)

SpecOps: The Line (2012)

That Dragon Cancer (2016)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)

The Last of Us (2013)

The Secret World (2012)

The Walking Dead (2012)

The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (2015)

This War of Mine (2014)

Undertale (2015)

Until Dawn (2015)

Virginia (2016)

What Remains of Edith Finch (2017)


Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.


Team-presentations will be graded individually for every team-member, with the Q&A session and the in-depth analysis affecting all individual grades equally. A write-up of the presentation, discussion and analysis must be uploaded within a week (minimum 1000 words per person).

Seminar papers need to have a minimum of 4000 words. Students can also collaborate on projects, as long as each participant hands in clearly identifiable individual work amounting to no less than 4000 words.

Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition, author/date) is expected for all written work, or else a paper is rejected.


For presentations, students can choose one of the example games we select in our first session to work on.

Students can freely decide on the topic for their seminar paper, as long it is about videogame design in relation to questions of gender, ethics, and/or politics.


A student's final grade is an aggregate of the grades for their active participation in class, the team-presentations, as well as the seminar paper according to the following key:

50% - Seminar paper (4000 words)

30% - Presentation plus write-up (individual part, Q&A, analysis; 1000 words per person )

20% - Active participation

If a student fails one of these three pillars of assessment, they fail the entire seminar.


Note Benotungsschema

Position im Curriculum

  • Masterstudium Anglistik und Amerikanistik (SKZ: 812, Version: 11W.1)
    • Fach: Film, Literature and Culture Studies (Wahlfach)
      • Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies ( 0.0h SE / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 551.350 Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: It's just a game? Video games, ethics and politics (2.0h SE / 8.0 ECTS)
  • Besonderer Studienbereich Wahlfach-Studium Feministische Wissenschaft - Gender Studies (SKZ: 600b, Version: 04W)
    • Fach: Kommunikation - Repräsentation (Pflichtfach)
      • Kommunikation - Repräsentation ( 2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 551.350 Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: It's just a game? Video games, ethics and politics (2.0h SE / 8.0 ECTS)
  • Erweiterungscurriculum Gender Studies (Version: 16W.1)
    • Fach: Vertiefende LVs der Gender Studies (Pflichtfach)
      • Seminar oder Proseminar Gender ( 0.0h PS,SE / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 551.350 Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: It's just a game? Video games, ethics and politics (2.0h SE / 8.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Game Studies and Engineering (SKZ: 992, Version: 17W.2)
    • Fach: Gebundenes Wahlfach (Wahlfach)
      • Modul: Game Studies
        • 4.2 Seminar in Film, Literature and Culture Studies focussing on issues in Gender Studies ( 0.0h SE / 8.0 ECTS)
          • 551.350 Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: It's just a game? Video games, ethics and politics (2.0h SE / 8.0 ECTS)
            Absolvierung im 1., 2., 3. Semester empfohlen

Gleichwertige Lehrveranstaltungen im Sinne der Prüfungsantrittszählung

Wintersemester 2019/20
  • 551.350 SE Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: American Screwball Comedy (2.0h / 8.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2019
  • 551.350 SE Advanced Topics in Literature and Culture Studies: Focus Gender: Culture Shocks: Britons in Italy, Italians in Britain (2.0h / 8.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2018
  • 551.350 SE Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: American Women Writers (2.0h / 8.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2017
  • 551.350 SE Seminar in „Film, Literature and Culture Studies” focusing on issues in Gender Studies: The Male Gaze and the Female Gaze (2.0h / 8.0ECTS)