197.065 (16W) Ways of Relating

Wintersemester 2016/17

Registration deadline has expired.

First course session
14.10.2016 11:00 - 16:00 V.1.03 On Campus
... no further dates known


Course title german Ways of Relating
Type Proseminar (continuous assessment course )
Hours per Week 2.0
ECTS credits 4.0
Registrations 20 (30 max.)
Organisational unit
Language of instruction Englisch
possible language(s) of the assessment English
Course begins on 01.10.2016
eLearning Go to Moodle course

Time and place

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Course Information

Intended learning outcomes

  1. Students get to know different ways of relating as well as different ways of conceptualising ways of relating. Thereby, in addition to gaining wider knowledge, they also develop a critical understanding of how normality and deviance are constructed in relation to relationships. They learn to critically engage with academic and nonacademic texts, and to formulate questions about them.
  2. Students learn to critically engage with academic and nonacademic texts/materials, and to formulate questions about and responses to them. By engaging with controversies surrounding particular sexual practices and theories, they develop a critical stance towards hegemonic truth claims.
  3. Students relate arguments about ways of relating to their own lives, environments, and experiences, and learn to apply them to different situations and contexts. Thus, they gain the ability to critically reflect on their own circumstances and, potentially, change them.
  4. Students develop and reflect on ways of engaging with a specific subject of interest. These include not only traditionally academic/scientific ways of gaining and producing knowledge, but also acknowledge the value of lived experience, activist engagement and artistic approaches. They come into contact with with potential alternatives to hegemonic ways of producing knowledge in academic contexts and thereby develop critical and inclusive attitudes towards knowledges outside the traditional academic scope.
  5. In addition to the aims outlined above, the course aims to contribute to the entanglement between academic Gender Studies and activist movements.

Teaching methodology including the use of eLearning tools

Our teaching methods are strongly rooted in participatory approaches (like the above mentioned Critical Pedagogy and Participatory Action Research). As a result, we discourage a topdown teaching perspective in which teachers impart preformulated pieces of knowledge for students to memorise and take on as truth; instead, we view students as active participants in knowledge production and acquisition, resulting in a guided cooperative approach. We seek to foster an atmosphere for students to feel safe to experience new ways of thinking/feeling, to dis/agree, to ask questions, to make mistakes, and to offer their own opinions. 

We supplement more traditional teaching methods (like reading and then discussing academic texts) with interactive and workshoplike tasks. These include staging smallscale exhibitions in which students may move around freely and discover different material aspects of a topic with each other; using the classroom space for exercises to illustrate issues around proximity, marginality, and distances; doing roleplays to impress the emotional dimensions of the course content; and other methods that emphasise producing knowledge in ways that stimulate experiences and critical thinking.

This interactive approach also applies to the case study task in which groups of students are asked to focus on a specific area of interest related to the course and bring it forward in class; through this task, students themselves take on the role of knowledge facilitators. Similarly, in their final projects, students are free to engage with a topic that they are interested in in a variety of ways. In order to support students in deciding on which ways and topics suit them best, we provide them with extensive lists of suggestions and further materials, and offer feedback on their plans before they carry them out.

Course content

‘Ways of Relating’ takes relations and relationships as its focal point and encourages a reflexive/diffractive merging of theory, politics, and personal experience. Introducing performativity, normativity and intersectionality as underlying concepts, it challenges heteronormative regimes linked to notions of marriage and the nuclear family by providing insights into alternative modes of relating as well as their potentials for effecting social change, but also ambiguities and new normativities that arise in these contexts.

Students are encouraged to challenge and reimagine what constitutes an intimate relationship within a  particular context and how structural and social dynamics of power influence the ways in which they are conducted and moralised. The course investigates how one can be ‘intimate’, and why some relationships are considered ‘good’, ‘healthy’ and ‘normal’ while others are seen as ‘bad’, ‘hazardous’ and ‘deviant’, and yet others are not considered ‘relationships’ at all.

Relationships are understood as dynamic and fluid connections among people and between humans and nonhumans that affect the parties involved. They are seen as embedded in dominant cultural discourses and subject to patriarchal, racist, classist, ableist (etc.) forces. Special attention is placed on the precarity that results from relationship practices and ideologies as well as the intersections between ways of relating and factors such as gender, race or dis/ability.

In line with Paulo Freire’s demand in P edagogy of the Oppressed , the course seeks provide space and resources for students’ contributing and critically reflecting on their own circumstances to encourage a kind of learning that moves beyond memorisation. They are furthermore encouraged to consider ways of engaging with the world that go beyond hegemonic academic knowledges, including experiential knowledges and activist engagements.

The course will be organised in five sessions:

  1. Building familiarity / core topics / normalcies and deviances
  2. Underpinnings and perspectives & Monogamies, sex and romance
  3. Nonmonogamies & Intimacies beyond sex and romance
  4. BDSM and consent & Humans and nonhumans (animals, technologies, etc.)
  5. Concluding session (content designed in cooperation with students)

Examination information

Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.

Examination methodology

Students’ ‘performance’ will be marked along the following four criteria:

  • Attendance and in-class participation (20 points, assessed individually)
  • Participation in preparatory activities (30 points, assessed individually)
  • Case study (20 points, assessed as a group)
  • Final project (30 points, assessed individually or as a group)

Bonus work: In addition to the project itself, students are also asked to provide a reflection in which they consider why it was interesting/helpful/meaningful/valuable to them. This reflection is worth 7 points.

Examination topic(s)

course content

Assessment criteria / Standards of assessment for examinations

Grade scale

  1. 100–87 points 1
  2. 86–75 points 2
  3. 74–63 points 3
  4. 62–50 points 4
  5. 49–0 points 5 (fail)

Grading scheme

Grade / Grade grading scheme

Position in the curriculum

  • Bachelor's degree programme Applied Cultural Studies (SKZ: 642, Version: 16W.2)
    • Subject: Frauen und Geschlechterforschung (Compulsory elective)
      • Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung ( 0.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3., 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelor's degree programme Applied Cultural Studies (SKZ: 642, Version: 09W.3)
    • Subject: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Compulsory elective)
      • Module: Wahlfachmodul Gender Studies
        • Wahlfachmodul Gender Studies ( 6.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
          • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Applied Cultural Studies (SKZ: 642, Version: 09W.3)
    • Subject: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Compulsory elective)
      • Module: Wahlfachmodul Mehrsprachigkeit
        • Wahlfachmodul Mehrsprachigkeit ( 6.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
          • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme English and American Studies (SKZ: 612, Version: 15W.3)
    • Subject: Freie Wahlfächer (Optional subject)
      • Freie Wahlfächer ( 0.0h XX / 20.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Master's degree programme Social and Human Ecology (SKZ: 919, Version: 14W.1)
    • Subject: GWF8 Geschlechter- und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit im Kontext nachhaltiger Entwicklung, insbesondere Feministische Wissenschaft und Gender Studies (Compulsory elective)
      • GWF8 Vertiefung ( 0.0h VO, SE, EX, KU, SX / 14.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Master's degree programme International Management (SKZ: 908, Version: 16W.1)
    • Subject: Options (Optional subject)
      • Freie Wahlfächer ( 0.0h XX / 9.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Master's degree programme International Management (SKZ: 908, Version: 11W.2)
    • Subject: Options (Optional subject)
      • 1 Options ( 0.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Media & Communications (SKZ: 641, Version: 09W.1)
    • Subject: Fachsprache Englisch (Compulsory elective)
      • Reading and Discussion of Communications and Media Studies ( 2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Master's degree programme Media and Convergence Management (SKZ: 150, Version: 13W.2)
    • Subject: Options (Optional subject)
      • Options ( 0.0h XX / 6.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3., 4. Semester empfohlen
  • Master's degree programme Information and Communications Engineering (ICE) (SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
    • Subject: Feministische Wissenschaft / Gender Studies: Gender und Technik (NC, ASR) (Compulsory elective)
      • Feministische Wissenschaft / Gender Studies: Gender und Technik ( 0.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Master's degree programme Information and Communications Engineering (ICE) (SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
    • Subject: Feministische Wissenschaft / Gender Studies: Gender und Technik (NC, ASR) (Compulsory elective)
      • Feministische Wissenschaft / Gender Studies: Gender und Technik ( 0.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Master's degree programme Information and Communications Engineering (ICE) (SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
    • Subject: Feministische Wissenschaft / Gender Studies: Gender und Technik (WI) (Compulsory elective)
      • Feministische Wissenschaft / Gender Studies: Gender und Technik ( 0.0h XX / 6.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Non degree programme Gender Studies (SKZ: 600b, Version: 04W)
    • Subject: Lebensräume (Compulsory subject)
      • Feminist Knowledge. Between Acticvism and Institutionalisation ( 2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Educational Science (SKZ: 645, Version: 13W.2)
    • Subject: Feministische Wissenschaft/Gender Studies (Compulsory elective)
      • Einführung in die Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung ( 0.0h VO/PS/KU/SE/VP/VK/VS / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Educational Science (SKZ: 645, Version: 08W.3)
    • Subject: Feministische Wissenschaft/Gender Studies (WF 5) (Compulsory elective)
      • LV aus dem Modul "Einführung in die Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung" ( 2.0h XX / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Master's degree programme School Pedagogy (SKZ: 545, Version: 09W.3)
    • Subject: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Compulsory elective)
      • Module: Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
        • Feministische Wissenschaft/Genderstudies ( 6.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
          • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Master's degree programme Adult and Professional Education (SKZ: 847, Version: 09W.3)
    • Subject: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Compulsory elective)
      • Module: Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
        • Feministische Wissenschaft/Genderstudies ( 6.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
          • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
            Absolvierung im 1., 2., 3. Semester empfohlen
  • Master's degree programme Social Pedagogy and Integrative Pedagog (SKZ: 846, Version: 09W.3)
    • Subject: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Compulsory elective)
      • Module: Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
        • Feministische Wissenschaft/Genderstudies ( 6.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
          • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Business and Law (SKZ: 519, Version: 12W.3)
    • Subject: Feministische Wissenschaft/Gender Studies (Compulsory elective)
      • Feministische Wissenschaft/Gender Studies ( 4.0h VK/KU / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Psychology (SKZ: 640, Version: 11W.5)
    • Subject: Feministische Wissenschaften/Gender Studies (Compulsory elective)
      • Feministische Wissenschaften/Gender Studies ( 0.0h LV / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3., 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Master's degree programme Psychology (SKZ: 840, Version: 12W.4)
    • Subject: Vertiefung Feministische Wissenschaften/Gender Studies (Compulsory elective)
      • Vertiefung Feministische Wissenschaften/Gender Studies ( 0.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Erweiterungscurriculum Gender Studies (Version: 16W.1)
    • Subject: Weiterführende LVs der Gender Studies (Compulsory subject)
      • LV Gender Studies ( 0.0h VO,VP,PS, / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 197.065 Ways of Relating (2.0h PS / 4.0 ECTS)

Equivalent courses for counting the examination attempts

Sommersemester 2022
  • 197.128 SE Ways of Relating/Beziehungsweisen (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)