554.021 (16W) English II: Meetings and Negotiations a

Wintersemester 2016/17

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First course session
05.10.2016 16:30 - 19:45 Z.0.19 On Campus
... no further dates known


Course title german English II: Meetings and Negotiations a
Type Course (continuous assessment course )
Hours per Week 2.0
ECTS credits 3.0
Registrations 24 (20 max.)
Organisational unit
Language of instruction Englisch
possible language(s) of the assessment English
Course begins on 05.10.2016
eLearning Go to Moodle course

Time and place

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Course Information

Intended learning outcomes

Students work in teams (4-6 people) to plan a business start-up and draw up a business plan. They practice holding team meetings and reader-friendly business writing and work on building up vocabulary related to business start-ups and running a business. They are also introduced to the Principled Negotiation (from the Harvard Negotiations Project) and implement these principles in some simple business negotiation scenarios.

  • Students should be able to discuss competently in English the standard steps involved planning a business start-up.
  • Students should be able to run team decision-making meetings using appropriate language to moderate the discussion of ideas and team interaction. They should be able to handle basic techniques for handling conflict in team discussions nad also use visualisation to structure discussion inputs. They should also be able to take part constructively in a meeting as a participant (LBS - listen, build, signal method).
  • Students should also be familiar the basics of Harvard Principled Negotiation method (developed by the Harvard Negotiation Project) and use these insights to handle simple negotiation scenarios.
  • Students should develop informative reader-friendly business writing skills: they should be able to write a business plan section (business report) in a clear, informative, reader-friendly style.
  • Students should train and use the lexis for describing business start-ups and small-business management.


Teaching methodology including the use of eLearning tools

  • Communicative methodology with a series of discussion tasks (group meetings) to plan a small-business start-up 
  • Peer and teacher feedback
  • Group work: teams select a business concept, and then plan the start-up & draw up the business plan for the start-up concept
  • Individual team meetings are held with the teacher for individual feedback
  • Process approach to writing (feedback loop)
  • Exercises to develop negotiation skills 
  • Online vocabulary training

Course content


  • Setting up a small business - key stages, related terminology
  • Holding meetings - chairperson skills (managing discussion of idease and interaction), effective participation, visualisation, meetings protocol tools
  • Writing a business plan - reader-friendly business writing, key content of business plan
  • Business negotiations in English - basic principles and techniques of Principled Negotiation (Harvard Negotiation Project) and training in simple negotiation scenarios
  • Introducing Mama Biashara - a UK business charity operating in Kenya specializing in funding small business start-ups (business as the motor of development, the stages of starting-up a business in a different cultural context, business plans, listening training)
  • Vocabulary building - training the lexis for describing start-ups and managing small businesses.


  • Downloadable course workbook (based on Effective Meetings Skills by Marion Haynes, Kogan Page)
  • Customized course materials
  • E-learning inputs
  • "Getting to Yes" by Roger Fisher & Wm. Ury, Harvard University Press

Examination information

Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.

Examination methodology

  • mündliche Prüfung: Teambesprechung - Abhaltung einer einstündigen Planungssitzung (Gruppentest)
  •  Verfassen eines Business-Planes in 3 Schritten
  • Online-Vokabelntest                                   

Examination topic(s)

Meetings & Negotiations (Gewichtung = 40% der Kursnote), Erstellung eines Business-Planes (25%), Vokabelntest (15%), Mitarbeit  (20%)

  • mündliche Prüfung: Teambesprechung - Erstellen einer Tagesordung, Abhaltung der Teamsitzung, jede/r Studierende/r führt bei einem TOP den Vorsitz, Beurteilung der Besprechungsführung und der konstruktiven Teilnahme sowie der sprachlichen Kompetenz
  •  Verfassen eines Business-Planes in 3 Schritten, Schritte 2 (Rohfassung) und 3 (Endversion) werden benotet
  • Online-Vokabelntest monolingual (Englisch) mit 60 Testfragen zur Fachlexis aus dem Bereich Unternehmensgründung und -führung             

Assessment criteria / Standards of assessment for examinations

Mündliche Prüfung (Team-Arbeitssitzung):  Je 20% der Note für: 

  • Moderation/Besprechungsvorsitz
  • konstruktive Teilnahme, Einbringung von Inputs
  • Einsatz visueller Mittel zur Unterstützung der Diskussion(Flipchart, Tafel, Beamer, Moderationskarten)
  • einschlägige sprachliche Mittel für Teilnahme und Diskussionführung als Vorsitz
  • allgemeine Sprachkompetenz

Business Plan - Beurteilung umfasst:

  • Reader-friendly business writing
  • Inhaltliches
  • Format
  • Organisation und Darstellung der Informationen
  • sprachliche Kompetenz

Grading scheme

Grade / Grade grading scheme

Position in the curriculum

  • Bachelor's degree programme Applied Business Administration (SKZ: 518, Version: 14W.3)
    • Subject: Business Language in Context (Compulsory subject)
      • §9(1) English II: Meetings and Negotiations ( 2.0h KS / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 554.021 English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h KS / 3.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Applied Business Administration (SKZ: 518, Version: 12W.1)
    • Subject: Business Language in Context (Compulsory subject)
      • English II: Meetings and Negotiations ( 2.0h KS / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 554.021 English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h KS / 3.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Information Management (SKZ: 522, Version: 12W.1)
    • Subject: Englische Wirtschafts- und Technikkommunikation (Compulsory elective)
      • 4.1.1 Englische Wirtschafts- und Technikkommunikation ( 0.0h XX / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 554.021 English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h KS / 3.0 ECTS)

Equivalent courses for counting the examination attempts

Sommersemester 2019
  • 554.021 KS English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2018/19
  • 554.021 KS English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2018
  • 554.021 KS English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2017/18
  • 554.021 KS English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2016
  • 554.021 KS English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2015/16
  • 554.021 KS English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2015
  • 554.021 KU English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2014/15
  • 554.021 KU English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2014
  • 554.021 KU English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2013/14
  • 554.021 KU English II: Meetings and Negotiations a (2.0h / 3.0ECTS)