602.421 (13S) Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2

Sommersemester 2013

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19.06.2013 09:00 - 15:00 Z.1.09 On Campus
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LV-Titel englisch Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM basics 3 + MIM consolidation 2
LV-Art Vorlesung-Kurs (prüfungsimmanente LV )
Semesterstunde/n 2.0
ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte 4.0
Anmeldungen 32 (30 max.)
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
LV-Beginn 19.06.2013
Anmerkungen Students are required to bring the following items to the class for discussions: A video-clip (3 minutes) of a TV program popular among adolescents; A collection of 10-15 television commercials broadcast at or near children and adolescents’ television program hours; At least three web sites popular among adolescents; a hard copy of youth magazine. Class Attandance is mandatory!
Seniorstudium Liberale Ja

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Lehrmethodik inkl. Einsatz von eLearning-Tools

Method of Tuition: Lectures, discussions, watching DVD, case study, and group projects


STEOP/ STEP, (Vorlesung + Proseminar MUF)


Youth is a global market for products, services, and ideas. Youth in the current course refers to the population aged between 10 and 24. The course aims to equip students to make informed decisions about marketing to youth or regarding suggestions made about limiting marketing to youth. The course will examine the interplay of the youth segment, the media scene, and the market environment. Based on research evidence, the students will identify issues related with youth and media usage, and the roles of personal as well as marketing communication on youth’s consumption. The course will focus on the youth in the Asian and in particular, the Chinese cultural context.


  • Lecture topic 1. The youth market; developmental needs; socializing agents
  • Lecture topic 2. Media usage, and media effects
  • Lecture topic 3. Analysis of media contents for youth; semiotic analysis
  • Lecture topic 4. Advertising appeals; marketing in social media and public space
  • Lecture topic 5. Undesirable consequent of marketing: obesity and body image


COURSE INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (CILOS): CILO 1. Explain the characteristics of youth market and the types of media contents that target youth CILO 2. Identify various factors that have an influence on youth’s responses to marketing communications CILO 3. Select appropriate media and communication strategies to appeal to the youth target CILO 4. Develop a social responsible attitude to marketing communication to the youth segment

Sonstige Studienbehelfe

Students are required to bring the following items to the class for discussions: A video-clip (3 minutes) of a TV program popular among adolescents; A collection of 10-15 television commercials broadcast at or near children and adolescents’ television program hours; At least three web sites popular among adolescents; a hard copy of youth magazine


Textbook: Chan, K. (2010), Youth and Consumption, City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong E-book is available on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0047DW7AM Reference: Bergstrom, M. (2012). All eyes east: Lessons from the front lines of marketing to China’s youth, Palgrave MacMillan, NY Other readings and video in addition to the textbook Chan, K. (2011) Advertising and body image: the impact of slimming ads on adolescents. Interview with Anthony Fung, Chinese University of Hong Kong, DVD, 15 minutes. Chan, K., Ng, Y.L., and Luk, E. (2013, forthcoming) “Impact of celebrity endorsement in advertising on brand image among Chinese adolescents”, Young Consumers Chan, K., Ng, Y.L., and Williams, R.B. (2012) What do adolescent girls learn about gender roles from advertising images? Young Consumers, 13(4), 357-366. Kirsh, S.J. (2010) Media effect theories, in S.J. Kirsh, Media and Youth: A developmental Perspective, West Sussex, U.K., John Wiley & Sons.


Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.



• Quizzes based on reading assignments: 40% • Group assignment: A case study on communicating media literacy among young consumers: 30% written report; 20% presentation • Class attendance/partic:10%


Note Benotungsschema

Position im Curriculum

  • Bachelorstudium Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft (SKZ: 518, Version: 05W.5)
    • Fach: Marketing und internationales Management - Grundlagen (Wahlfach)
      • BS1/2.2 Vorlesung mit Proseminar oder Vorlesung mit Kurs ( 2.0h VP, VK / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 602.421 Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2 (2.0h VK / 3.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelorstudium Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft (SKZ: 518, Version: 05W.5)
    • Fach: Medienmanagement - Grundlagen (Wahlfach)
      • BS1/2.3 Proseminar oder Vorlesung mit Proseminar ( 2.0h PS, VP / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 602.421 Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2 (2.0h VK / 3.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft (SKZ: 918, Version: 12W.4)
    • Fach: Marketing (Wahlfach)
      • Special Topics in Consumer Behavior ( 2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 602.421 Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2 (2.0h VK / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft (SKZ: 918, Version: 05W.7)
    • Fach: Marketing und internationales Management - Grundlagen (Wahlfach)
      • BS1.3 Proseminar oder Vorlesung mit Proseminar ( 2.0h PS, VP / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 602.421 Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2 (2.0h VK / 3.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft (SKZ: 918, Version: 05W.7)
    • Fach: Medienmanagement - Grundlagen (Wahlfach)
      • BS1.3 Proseminar oder Vorlesung mit Proseminar ( 2.0h PS, VP / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 602.421 Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2 (2.0h VK / 3.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft (SKZ: 918, Version: 05W.7)
    • Fach: Vertiefung: Marketing- und internationales Management (Wahlfach)
      • BS2.2 Proseminar oder Vorlesung mit Proseminar ( 2.0h PS, VP / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 602.421 Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2 (2.0h VK / 3.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelorstudium Wirtschaft und Recht (SKZ: 519, Version: 05W.5)
    • Fach: Marketing und internationales Management (Wahlfach)
      • BS1.3 Proseminar oder Vorlesung mit Proseminar ( 2.0h PS, VP / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 602.421 Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2 (2.0h VK / 3.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelorstudium Wirtschaft und Recht (SKZ: 519, Version: 05W.5)
    • Fach: Medienmanagement - Grundlagen (Wahlfach)
      • BS1.3 Proseminar oder Vorlesung mit Proseminar ( 2.0h PS, VP / 3.0 ECTS)
        • 602.421 Special Topics in Consumer Behavior / MIM-Grundlagen 3 + MIM-Vertiefung 2 (2.0h VK / 3.0 ECTS)

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