700.542 (25S) Robust Design and Reliability
- Lehrende/r
- LV-Titel englisch Robust Design and Reliability
- LV-Art Vorlesung-Kurs (prüfungsimmanente LV )
- LV-Modell Präsenzlehrveranstaltung
- Semesterstunde/n 2.0
- ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte 4.0
- Anmeldungen 1 (20 max.)
- Organisationseinheit
- Unterrichtssprache Englisch
- LV-Beginn 06.03.2025
Zeit und Ort
Intendierte Lernergebnisse
Mechatronicsystems achieve over more and more capabilities and perform more and more tasksautonomously. Thus, it is of extreme importance that the systems are reliableunder all operation conditions and can tolerate certain tolerances of parameters.This course offers an overview of the concepts and introduction to importantmethods. The course links robust design, optimization and reliabilityengineering with sensor and actuator design and measurement signal processing.In the accompanying exercise the methods will be applied to sensor and actuatorexamples.
Acquirean overview of and experience with methods for robust design and reliabilityengineering.
Topics include:
Introduction to Failure Modes
Probabilistic Modeling of Failures and Statistical Evaluation
Root Causes of Failures (including Electromagnetic Disturbances)
Methods for improvement of reliability
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Fault Injection
Experimental Design (DOE) (Taguchi, Classical, Bayesian)
Robust Design – Definition of Target Functions
Functional Safety
The exam is based on the content of the lecture and includes questions on both theory and practical problems.
content of the lecture
Assessment of the examination based on the points achieved.
Note BenotungsschemaPosition im Curriculum
- Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
(SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
Fach: Information and Communications Engineering: Supplements (NC, ASR)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 4) (
0.0h VK, VO, KU / 14.0 ECTS)
- 700.542 Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 4) (
0.0h VK, VO, KU / 14.0 ECTS)
Fach: Information and Communications Engineering: Supplements (NC, ASR)
- Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
(SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
Fach: Technical Complements (NC, ASR)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 5) (
0.0h VK, VO, KU / 12.0 ECTS)
- 700.542 Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 5) (
0.0h VK, VO, KU / 12.0 ECTS)
Fach: Technical Complements (NC, ASR)
- Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
(SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
Fach: Information and Communications Engineering: Supplements (NC, ASR)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 4) (
0.0h VK, VO, KU / 14.0 ECTS)
- 700.542 Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 4) (
0.0h VK, VO, KU / 14.0 ECTS)
Fach: Information and Communications Engineering: Supplements (NC, ASR)
- Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
(SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
Fach: Technical Complements (NC, ASR)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 5) (
0.0h VK, VO, KU / 12.0 ECTS)
- 700.542 Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 5) (
0.0h VK, VO, KU / 12.0 ECTS)
Fach: Technical Complements (NC, ASR)
- Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
(SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
Fach: Autonomous Systems and Robotics: Advanced (ASR)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (siehe Anhang 3) (
0.0h VK, VO / 30.0 ECTS)
- 700.542 Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (siehe Anhang 3) (
0.0h VK, VO / 30.0 ECTS)
Fach: Autonomous Systems and Robotics: Advanced (ASR)
- Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
(SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
Fach: Autonomous Systems and Robotics (WI)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (siehe Anhang 3) (
0.0h VK, VO / 30.0 ECTS)
- 700.542 Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (siehe Anhang 3) (
0.0h VK, VO / 30.0 ECTS)
Fach: Autonomous Systems and Robotics (WI)
- Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
(SKZ: 488, Version: 22W.1)
Fach: Autonomous Systems and Robotics: Advanced
2.2 Robust Design and Reliability (
0.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
- 700.542 Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
2.2 Robust Design and Reliability (
0.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
Fach: Autonomous Systems and Robotics: Advanced
- Masterstudium Mathematics
(SKZ: 401, Version: 18W.1)
Fach: Information and Communications Engineering
9.7 Robust Design & Reliability (
2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
- 700.542 Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
9.7 Robust Design & Reliability (
2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
Fach: Information and Communications Engineering
Gleichwertige Lehrveranstaltungen im Sinne der Prüfungsantrittszählung
Sommersemester 2024
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2023
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2022
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2021
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2020
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2019
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2018
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2017
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2016
- 700.542 VC Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2015
- 700.542 VK Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2014
- 700.542 VK Robust Design and Reliability (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)