312.191 (24S) Seminar in Discrete Mathematics

Sommersemester 2024

Kein Anmeldezeitraum angegeben.

Erster Termin der LV
04.03.2024 11:45 - 13:15 N.0.07 On Campus
... keine weiteren Termine bekannt


LV-Titel englisch Seminar in Discrete Mathematics
LV-Art Seminar (prüfungsimmanente LV )
LV-Modell Präsenzlehrveranstaltung
Semesterstunde/n 2.0
ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte 4.0
Anmeldungen 8 (15 max.)
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
mögliche Sprache/n der Leistungserbringung Englisch
LV-Beginn 04.03.2024
eLearning zum Moodle-Kurs

Time & place of the review meetings are agreed on individually with the lecturer and the reviewers. The time displayed on the lecture card are the presentations only.

Zeit und Ort

Liste der Termine wird geladen...


Intendierte Lernergebnisse

Familiarize oneself with a selected mathematical topic, carry out independent literature research, work independently with mathematical texts and be able to formulate mathematical trains of thought independently.

Apply the methods of the mathematical review process, evaluate the seminar contributions by others, evaluate, analyze, question and implement feedback received.


Talks by students, review meetings with students.


Topics from Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorial Optimization


Will be provided individually.


Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.


  • seminar talk
  • written report
  • review of contributions by other students
  • active participation
  • presence


See above.


For a positive grade, students must fully fulfil the presence criteria (see below) and obtain at least half of the points on each of the remaining criteria. If these prerequisites are met, points are obtained as follows:

Seminar talk (30 %)

  • Talk on the blackboard or using slides generated with LaTeX
  • Obligatory review meeting with reviewers as well as lecturer one week before the talk with finished slides or notes
  • Correctness, clarity, conciseness, originality
  • Interaction with the audience
  • Duration: 30 to 45 minutes

Written report (40 %):

  • Typeset in LaTeX
  • Correctness, clarity, conciseness, originality
  • Submit first revision at an agreed-upon deadline
  • Revise according to the feedback received

Review of other contributions (15 %):

  • Feedback (in the review meeting) for at two other seminar talks
  • Written feedback to two written reports until an agreed-upon deadline

Active Participation (15 %):

  • Active participation in discussions of seminar talks, initiating such discussions

Presence (0 %)

  • 100 % presence required except in exceptional cases, which have to be agreed upon before.

The final grade is then awarded as follows:

>= 50%
>= 62,5%
>= 75 %
>= 87,5 %

Deregistration is possible until 31 March. After this date, you will get a grade in any case.


Note Benotungsschema

Position im Curriculum

  • Doktoratsprogramm Modeling-Analysis-Optimization of discrete, continuous and stochastic systems (SKZ: ---, Version: 16W.1)
    • Fach: Modeling-Analysis-Optimization of discrete, continuous and stochastic systems (Pflichtfach)
      • Modeling-Analysis - Optimization of discrete, continuous and stochastic systems ( 0.0h XX / 0.0 ECTS)
        • 312.191 Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Mathematics (SKZ: 401, Version: 18W.1)
    • Fach: Discrete Mathematics (Wahlfach)
      • 6.10 Seminar in Discrete Mathematics ( 2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 312.191 Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Mathematics (SKZ: 401, Version: 18W.1)
    • Fach: Applied Mathematics (Wahlfach)
      • Lehrveranstaltungen aus den Vertiefungsfächern ( 0.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 312.191 Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Mathematics (SKZ: 401, Version: 22W.1)
    • Fach: Discrete Mathematics (Wahlfach)
      • 5.10 Seminar in Discrete Mathematics ( 2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 312.191 Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 1., 2., 3. Semester empfohlen
  • Masterstudium Mathematics (SKZ: 401, Version: 22W.1)
    • Fach: Applied Mathematics (Wahlfach)
      • 7.1 Wahl von weiteren Lehrveranstaltungen aus den Vertiefungsfächern ( 0.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 312.191 Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 2., 3. Semester empfohlen

Gleichwertige Lehrveranstaltungen im Sinne der Prüfungsantrittszählung

Wintersemester 2022/23
  • 312.191 SE Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2021
  • 312.191 SE Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2020
  • 312.191 SE Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2017
  • 312.191 SE Seminar aus Diskrete Mathematik (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2015
  • 312.191 SE Seminar aus Diskrete Mathematik (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2013/14
  • 312.191 SE Seminar aus Diskrete Mathematik (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)