700.006 (23W) Basic Lab: Circuit Engineering

Wintersemester 2023/24

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Erster Termin der LV
11.10.2023 13:00 - 15:00 HS 3 On Campus
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LV-Titel englisch Basic Lab: Circuit Engineering
LV-Art Kurs (prüfungsimmanente LV )
LV-Modell Präsenzlehrveranstaltung
Semesterstunde/n 2.0
ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte 2.0
Anmeldungen 18 (15 max.)
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
mögliche Sprache/n der Leistungserbringung Deutsch
LV-Beginn 11.10.2023
eLearning zum Moodle-Kurs

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Intendierte Lernergebnisse

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Implement practical circuits, demonstrating the ability to construct circuits based on given specifications.
  • Simulate circuits using appropriate software tools, gaining proficiency in designing and testing circuits in a virtual environment.
  • Analyze and interpret simulation results, enabling the students to evaluate the functionality and performance of the designed circuits.
  • Develop problem-solving skills by solving circuit-related exercises and applying theoretical concepts to practical scenarios.

Through practical circuit implementation and simulation, students will develop a solid understanding of circuit design principles and techniques. They will gain hands-on experience in building circuits, performing simulations, and analyzing the results.


  • Independent execution of experiments
  • Reflection of the experiments in laboratory reports


Basic circuits
OPV basic circuits

Erwartete Vorkenntnisse

Simultaneous enrollment or prior completion of the lecture Circuit Engineering 700.050 along with the associated course 700.051 is recommended, but not prerequisited. This recommendation allows students to enhance their understanding and application of circuit design principles through practical exercises and reinforces the concepts covered in the lecture.

Before commencing the laboratory course, there is an initial test that must be successfully completed. The motivation for this approach is as follows:

1. *Clarification of Basic Knowledge:* By passing this test, you will have a clear understanding of the fundamental knowledge required for the course.

2. *Reiteration of Previously Learned Material:* The test serves as a review of concepts you have previously encountered in EPGI or Circuits, reinforcing your existing knowledge.

3. *Knowledge Refreshment:* It provides an opportunity to refresh your understanding of key principles.

4. *Collaborative Environment:* Passing the test ensures that you will have lab mates who possess a strong grasp of the subject matter, which facilitates the smooth execution of experiments.

5. *Point Contribution:* Points earned from the initial test will contribute to your overall score for the course, meaning that passing the test gives you a head start in achieving a favorable course grade.

6. *No Negative Consequences:* Importantly, even if you do not perform well on the test, you won't get a negative mark.


Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.


  • Independent execution of experiments
  • Reflection of the experiments in laboratory reports


  • Independent execution of experiments
  • Reflection of the experiments in laboratory reports


  • Active participation in the laboratory units
  • Quality of laboratory reports


Note Benotungsschema

Position im Curriculum

  • Bachelorstudium Informationstechnik (SKZ: 289, Version: 22W.1)
    • Fach: Grundlagenlabor Informationstechnik (Wahlfach)
      • 10a Ausgewählte 5 Laborübungen aus den angebotenen Grundlagenlaborübungen der Informationstechnik (zu jeweils 2 ECTS-AP) ( 0.0h KS / 10.0 ECTS)
        • 700.006 Basic Lab: Circuit Engineering (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3., 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelorstudium Informationstechnik (SKZ: 289, Version: 22W.1)
    • Fach: Informationstechnische Vertiefung sowie mathematische Ergänzung (Wahlfach)
      • 10b.1 Ausgewählte 2 Laborübungen aus den angebotenen Grundlagenlaborübungen der Informationstechnik (zu jeweils 2 ECTS-AP) ( 0.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 700.006 Basic Lab: Circuit Engineering (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3., 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelorstudium Informationstechnik (SKZ: 289, Version: 22W.1)
    • Fach: Informationstechnische Vertiefung sowie mathematische Ergänzung (Wahlfach)
      • 10b.2 Zwei weitere Grundlagenlabore der Informationstechnik, welche in (10b.1) nicht gewählt wurden ( 0.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 700.006 Basic Lab: Circuit Engineering (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3., 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelorstudium Informationstechnik (SKZ: 289, Version: 17W.1)
    • Fach: Grundlagenlabor Informationstechnik (Wahlfach)
      • 9a.1 Grundlagenlaborübungen der Informationstechnik ( 0.0h KS / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 700.006 Basic Lab: Circuit Engineering (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelorstudium Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (SKZ: 295, Version: 22W.1)
    • Fach: Labs Robotics and AI (Wahlfach)
      • 7.1 Wahl von Laborübungen aus dem Angebot der Informationstechnik, sowie zu Robotics & AI ( 0.0h KS / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 700.006 Basic Lab: Circuit Engineering (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)

Gleichwertige Lehrveranstaltungen im Sinne der Prüfungsantrittszählung

Wintersemester 2022/23
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Wintersemester 2020/21
  • 700.006 KS Grundlagenlabor: Energieinformatik (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
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  • 700.006 KS Grundlagenlabor: Energieinformatik (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
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  • 700.006 KS Grundlagenlabor: Energieinformatik (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)