554.013 (21S) English I: Social English and Presentations c

Sommersemester 2021

Registration deadline has expired.

First course session
10.03.2021 16:30 - 18:00 BigBlueButton Off Campus
... no further dates known


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be necessary to make changes to courses and examinations at short notice (e.g. cancellation of attendance-based courses and switching to online examinations).

For further information regarding teaching on campus, please visit: https://www.aau.at/en/corona.
Course title german English I: Social English and Presentations c
Type Course (continuous assessment course )
Course model Online course
Hours per Week 2.0
ECTS credits 2.0
Registrations 14 (20 max.)
Organisational unit
Language of instruction Englisch
possible language(s) of the assessment English
Course begins on 10.03.2021
eLearning Go to Moodle course
Remarks (english)

The course will be held as an in-person on-campus course from such time as the COVID-19 situation and the legal restrictions permit.

Time and place

Please note that the currently displayed dates may be subject to change due to COVID-19 measures.
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Course Information

Intended learning outcomes

Studierende sollen auf Englisch kompetent und überzeugend präsentieren können. Dabei sollen sie Vortragsstil (delivery), strukturelle Elemente der Präsentation, rhetorische Techniken, visuelle Unterstützung,  und eine klare verständliche dynamische Sprache gut  einsetzen können.

Studierende  sollen unter Einbeziehung von gezielter Vorbereitung, Strukturiertheit, Ergebnisorientiertheit, und situationsadäquaten sprachlichen Mitteln geschäftliche Telefonate führen können. 

Studierende sollen E-mails auf Englisch für geschäftliche Zwecke kompetent verfassen können. Sie sollen dabei,mit Message-Fokus als Orientierung unter Einsatz der Standardbauteile von business emails auf Englisch, eine klare höfliche situationsadäquate Sprache verwenden. 

Studierende sollen ihre praktischen Sprachfertigkeiten und ihr einschlägiges Fachvokabular aufbauen. Als Zielrahmen wird die Cambridge English B1 Business Preliminary internationale Sprachprüfung herangezogen.

Teaching methodology including the use of eLearning tools

Kommunikativer Unterricht, Paar- und Gruppenarbeit, Process Writing (Feedback-Editing-Loop), Learning by Doing.  Die Tools vom BigBlueButton Classroom werden für diesen Zweck eingesetzt.

Course content

Telefonieren, Emails Verfassen, Präsentieren, Fachpresse lesen, Hörverständnis- und Lesefertigkeiten aufbauen, Test Training B1 Business Preliminary Listening & Reading Tests

Prior knowledge expected

Maturaniveau oder Äquivalent

Curricular registration requirements

Studierende sollen über Maturaniveau Englishkenntnisse  (B2)  oder Äquivalent verfügen.


Kursmateralien werden während des Kurses kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Skriptum zum Download bzw. von der ÖH erhältlich. 

Weiterführende Literatur: English for Emails, Rebecca Turner (Cornelsen)

Intended learning outcomes

In this foundation course students have approx. 30 hours of communicative practice in class to develop confidence and fluency in using English for business purposes. Written tasks (mainly emails) train the basics of reader-friendly business writing. We will focus to some extent on Carinthia/Carinthian businesses to bring English "close to home" as a global lingua franca used for dealing with local and international issues.

Targeted learning outcomes include:

1. By the end of the course students should be able to hold a short, effective, well-structured business presentation with competent visual support in their own style.

2. Students should be able to make effective results-oriented phone calls for business purposes in English.

3. Students should be able to write short, focussed, well-structured business emails to handle both routine and problem business situations.

4. Students should be able to use English for relationship and rapport building and work on their social skills in English.

5. Students should through the classwork and homework individually engage in building up a range of business vocabulary.

Teaching methodology including the use of eLearning tools

  • Communicative interactive methodology (pair and group work, plenary sessions), peer and teacher feedback
  • Presentations training - 2-3 short presentations with varying training focus, i.e. delivery, structure, rhetoric, audience contact, visual support
  • Process writing training - feedback loop and editing stages
  • Short teacher and other inputs (online, print) combined with communicative student tasks
  • Pair work phoning practice
  • Individual diagnostics of grammar problems, training on selected grammar topics with elearning support
  • Monolingual vocabulary training in relevant fields of business English with elearning training

Course content

Presentation skills; writing effective courteous business emails; making telephone calls for business purposes; social English; training reading and listening skills, vocabulary building:

  • Techniques and know-how for delivering effective presentations: delivery, structure, rhetoric, visual support, audience contact, pronunciation
  • Communicative writing for business, especially for writing business e-mails, e.g. inquiries, offers, making arrangements, applications, dealing with problems, product presentations and sales terms
  • Telephoning: information exchange, inquiries, sales calls, calls to deal with problems 
  • Social English - small talk, general and personal topics, conversation 


  • Handling numbers in English, price information
  • Sales and selling
  • Handling problems 
  • Business and tourism sectors in Carinthia - Carinthia as a visitor destination, selling Carinthia on the UK market
  • (Carinthian) companies and products; presenting and discussing companies - facts and figures, performance, products, revenues & profits, strategies for success, proble
  • Grammar review - selected topics, individual diagnostics
  • Vocabulary building for business English

Prior knowledge expected

High school graduation diploma  (Matura) or equivalent. Specialist business English knowledge is not required as a pre-condition for this foundation course


Materials will be distributed free of charge in class.  A course workbook is available free of charge for download or for purchase from the Students Association. (ÖH)  

Recommended reading: English for Emails, Rebecca Turner (Cornelsen)

Cambridge English Website for Business English B1 training materials.  https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/business-preliminary/

Examination information

Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.

Modified examination information (exceptional COVID-19 provisions)

Falls durch die COVID-19 Ausnahmeregelung erforderlich können die  Hör- und Leseverständnistests online abgehalten werden. Die Telefonate und Emails erfolgen ohnehin digital/fern.  Wenn nötig, werden auch die Präsentationen in BigBlueButton.

Examination methodology

1. Präsentation: 25%  (50 Punkte)

2. Verkaufstelefonat : 15%  (30 Punkte)

3.  Hör- & Leseverständnistests im Format von B1 Business Preliminary (Cambridge English) 25%  (50 points)

4. Zwei  kurze schriftliche Arbeiten (Verfassen von Geschäftsemails): 15%  (30 Punkte)

5. Hausaufgaben, Mitarbeit im Unterricht: 20%  (40 Punkte)

Examination topic(s)

Präsentation einer Firma:  Company presentation aus einer kritischen Perspektive - nicht blosses Übernehmen von PR-Information  (4-5 Minuten)

 Verkaufstelefonat mit LV-Leiterin, um einen Termin für eine Verkaufspräsentation zu vereinbaren (7 Minuten)

Hör- & Leseverständnistests im Format von B1 Business Preliminary (Cambridge English)   Breitgefächerte Überprüfung von Grundfertigkeiten und einschlägiges Fachvokabular für Business auf CEFR B1 Niveau.  https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/business-preliminary/exam-format/   (Teile: Listening & Reading)

Assessment criteria / Standards of assessment for examinations

Präsentation:  25% der Kursnote (50 Punkte) - je 10 Punkte für: Vortrag, Struktur/Inhalt, Sprache, Dialog mit Zuhörern, visuelle Unterstützung

Telefonat:  15% der Kursnote (30 Punkte) für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung der einzelnen Teile des Telefonats (sich verbinden lassen, sich vorstellen, Firma und Produktpalette vorstellen, Termin vereinbaren usw) sowie für Aussprache und Projektion 

 Hör- & Leseverständnistests im Format von B1 Business Preliminary (Cambridge English)  25% (50 Punkte)  Benotung nach Cambridge English Schema.  Sinnerfassendes Lesen und Hören sowie Fachvokabular und allgemeine Sprachkompetenz werden überprüft.   https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/business-preliminary/exam-format/  (Teile: Listening and Reading)    

Schriftliche Arbeiten:  15% (30 Punkte) für 2 schriftliche Arbeiten während des Semesters, Massstäbe:   Informationen werden effektiv vermittelt; Emails haben die Standardstruktur für geschäftlichen Emails auf Englisch; Standardlayout; höflicher moderner Stil; Sprachkompetenz: klare verständliche grammatikalisch richtige Sätze,  Fachvokabular richtig eingesetzt.

Die Note für den Kurs hängt von der Gesamtzahl der erzielten Kurspunkte ab. Details werden am Anfang der LV schriftlich bekanntgegeben.

  • Note 1  = 90%+ der Kurspunkte (180+ Punkte)
  • Note 2  = 80%-89% der Kurspunkte (160-179 Punkte)
  • Note 3 =  70%-79% der Kurspunkte (140-159 Punkte)
  • Note 4 =  60%-69% of course points (120-139 Punkte)
  • Note 5 = Fewer than 60% of course points ( 119 Punkte)

Modified examination information (exceptional COVID-19 provisions)

If made necessary by restrictions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the listening and reading tests can be held online. The presentation test can  be held online  using BigBlueButton. 

Examination methodology

  • Presentation (4-5 minutes) company presentation:   25% of grade (50 points)
  • Sales call to set up a meeting  (approx. 7 minutes): 15% of grade (30 points)
  • B1 Business Preliminary (Cambridge English) language test format, Listening & Reading sections 25% of grade  (50 points)
  • 2  graded homework written assignments (emails):  15% of grade (30 points)
  • Classwork and homework tasks:  20% of grade (40 points)

TOTAL NUMBER OF COURSE POINTS AVAILABLE (entered in Moodle) = 200 points

  • Grade 1  = 90%+ of course points (180+ points)
  • Grade 2  = 80%-89% of course points (160-179 points)
  • Grade 3 =  70%-79% of course points (140-159 points)
  • Grade 4 =  60%-69% of course points (120-139 points)
  • Grade 5 = Fewer than 60% of course points ( 119 points)

Examination topic(s)

1. 4/5-minute company presentation (usually a Carinthian or Austrian company) with a  specific focus/perspective defined by the student (not a global overview presentation)
2. 7-minute sales call to set up a sales meeting  - call held with course instructor, student's own choice of company to be represented -   presentation or product / product range / selling points
3.  B1 Business Preliminary  (Cambridge English): Listening & Reading test formats  https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/business-preliminary/

Assessment criteria / Standards of assessment for examinations


Presentation:  Points awarded for success in handling delivery, structure, rhetoric, language command, pronunciation, visual support, audience contact, feeling of dialogue 

Phone call:  Clear communication of message, well-prepared well-structured call which responds to business partner's concerns; courteous tone; language skills; clear pronunciation and  positive projection

Email writing:  Clear (simple) reader-friendly English with correct grammar (sentence structure, verb control, appropriate tenses), good vocabulary range, featuring 6 standard elements in business emails: i. subject line ii. appropriate salutation  iii. clear identification of subject & purpose in  opening paragraph iv. well-structured presentation of central message v. next steps explained clearly vi. courteous sign-off

 B1 Business Preliminary  (Cambridge English): Listening & Reading test formats  https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/business-preliminary/


Grading scheme

Grade / Grade grading scheme

Position in the curriculum

  • Bachelor's degree programme Business Administration (SKZ: 518, Version: 18W.1)
    • Subject: Business English (Compulsory subject)
      • 8.1 Business English I ( 0.0h VC, KS / 2.0 ECTS)
        • 554.013 English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 2., 3., 4., 5. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelor's degree programme Applied Business Administration (SKZ: 518, Version: 14W.3)
    • Subject: Business Language in Context (Compulsory subject)
      • §9(1) English I: Social English and Presentations ( 2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
        • 554.013 English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Information Management (SKZ: 522, Version: 17W.1)
    • Subject: Englische Wirtschafts- und Technikkommunikation (Compulsory elective)
      • 8.1 Englische Wirtschafts- und Technikkommunikation ( 0.0h XX / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 554.013 English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelor's degree programme Management Information Systems (SKZ: 522, Version: 20W.2)
    • Subject: Englische Wirtschafts- und Technikkommunikation (Compulsory elective)
      • 11.1 Englische Wirtschafts- und Technikkommunikation ( 0.0h VO, VC, KS, UE / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 554.013 English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelor's degree programme Information Management (SKZ: 522, Version: 12W.1)
    • Subject: Englische Wirtschafts- und Technikkommunikation (Compulsory elective)
      • 4.1.1 Englische Wirtschafts- und Technikkommunikation ( 0.0h XX / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 554.013 English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme International Business and Economics (SKZ: 516, Version: 19W.1)
    • Subject: Languages/Gender Studies (Compulsory elective)
      • Languages ( 0.0h KS / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 554.013 English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelor's degree programme International Business and Economics (SKZ: 516, Version: 19W.1)
    • Subject: Languages (Compulsory elective)
      • Languages ( 0.0h KS / 16.0 ECTS)
        • 554.013 English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h KS / 2.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen

Equivalent courses for counting the examination attempts

Wintersemester 2024/25
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2024
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2023/24
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2023
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2022/23
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2022
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2021/22
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2021
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2020/21
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2020
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2019/20
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2019
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2018/19
  • 554.011 KS English I: Social English and Presentations a (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2018
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2017/18
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations Ic (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2017
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2016/17
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2016
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.015 KS English I: Social English and Presentations e (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2015/16
  • 554.013 KS English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2015
  • 554.013 KU English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.016 KU English I: Social English and Presentations f (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2014/15
  • 554.013 KU English I: Social English and Presentations c (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2014
  • 554.016 KU English I: Social English and Presentations f (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
Sommersemester 2013
  • 554.015 KU English I: Social English and Presentations e (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)
  • 554.016 KU English I: Social English and Presentations f (2.0h / 2.0ECTS)