700.903 (20W) Smart Cities - Technology, Management & Governance

1.Prüfungstermin ( 25.01.2021 00:00 )

Anmeldemodus Selbstanmeldung aufgenommener LV-TeilnehmerInnen
max. Teilnehmer 15
Anmeldungen 9
Anmeldefrist 14.01.2021 00:00 - 24.01.2021 00:00
Abmeldeende 24.01.2021 00:00
Prüfungsmodus schriftlich
Unterlagen teilweise mit Unterlagen
Datum 25.01.2021

Geänderte Prüfungsinformationen (COVID-19 Ausnahmeregelung)

The online version of the exam is also written. The exam questions will be given as a PDF and the answers are to be written on sheets, which are photographed and handed in after the exam. To participate in the exam you need a laptop/PC, an internet connection, microphone/audio, (integrated) webcam, and a device to take pictures of your solutions. The camera, the sound and the screen transmission must be active during the entire exam.

Zur Einzelansicht

Gleichwertige LV's

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Wintersemester 2023/24
  • 700.903 VC Smart Cities - Technology, Management & Governance (3.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2022/23
  • 700.903 VC Smart Cities - Technology, Management & Governance (3.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2021/22
  • 700.903 VC Smart Cities - Technology, Management & Governance (3.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2019/20
  • 700.903 VC Smart Cities - Technology, Management & Governance (3.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2018/19
  • 700.903 VC Smart Cities - Technology, Management & Governance (3.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2017/18
  • 700.903 VC Smart Cities - Technology, Management & Governance (3.0h / 4.0ECTS)
Wintersemester 2016/17
  • 700.903 VC Smart Cities - Technology, Management & Governance (3.0h / 4.0ECTS)