623.714 (19W) Selected Topics in Distributed Multimedia Systems: Permissioned Blockchains: Illustrated using Hyperledger Fabric

Wintersemester 2019/20

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18.11.2019 10:00 - 12:00 S.2.42 On Campus
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LV-Titel englisch Selected Topics in Distributed Multimedia Systems: Permissioned Blockchains: Illustrated using Hyperledger Fabric
LV-Art Vorlesung-Kurs (prüfungsimmanente LV )
Semesterstunde/n 2.0
ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte 4.0
Anmeldungen 22 (25 max.)
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
LV-Beginn 18.11.2019
eLearning zum Moodle-Kurs

Zeit und Ort

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Intendierte Lernergebnisse

- Bitcoin & Blockchain
- Blockchain 2.0, Smart Contracts
- Hyperledger Fabric (Architecture, Modules, Workflow)
- Docker Compose (Introduction, HLF setup, Intro to Chaincodes)
-  HLF Architecture
- Chaincodes
- Setting up a real world HLF using Ansible
- Configuration of a blockchain consortium
- Creating your first real world DAPP 


Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.


Will be decided in coordination with the students and announced later on.


Will be decided in coordination with the students and announced later on.


Will be decided in coordination with the students and announced later on.


Note Benotungsschema

Position im Curriculum

  • Masterstudium Informatics (SKZ: 911, Version: 19W.2)
    • Fach: Distributed Systems (Wahlfach)
      • Weitere LVen aus dem gewählten Spezialisierungsfach ( 0.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 623.714 Selected Topics in Distributed Multimedia Systems: Permissioned Blockchains: Illustrated using Hyperledger Fabric (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 1., 2. Semester empfohlen
  • Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE) (SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
    • Fach: Information and Communications Engineering: Supplements (NC, ASR) (Wahlfach)
      • Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 4) ( 0.0h VK, VO, KU / 14.0 ECTS)
        • 623.714 Selected Topics in Distributed Multimedia Systems: Permissioned Blockchains: Illustrated using Hyperledger Fabric (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE) (SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
    • Fach: Technical Complements (NC, ASR) (Wahlfach)
      • Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 5) ( 0.0h VK, VO, KU / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 623.714 Selected Topics in Distributed Multimedia Systems: Permissioned Blockchains: Illustrated using Hyperledger Fabric (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE) (SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
    • Fach: Information and Communications Engineering: Supplements (NC, ASR) (Wahlfach)
      • Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 4) ( 0.0h VK, VO, KU / 14.0 ECTS)
        • 623.714 Selected Topics in Distributed Multimedia Systems: Permissioned Blockchains: Illustrated using Hyperledger Fabric (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Information and Communications Engineering (ICE) (SKZ: 488, Version: 15W.1)
    • Fach: Technical Complements (NC, ASR) (Wahlfach)
      • Wahl aus dem LV-Katalog (Anhang 5) ( 0.0h VK, VO, KU / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 623.714 Selected Topics in Distributed Multimedia Systems: Permissioned Blockchains: Illustrated using Hyperledger Fabric (2.0h VC / 4.0 ECTS)

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