560.032 (19W) Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning

Wintersemester 2019/20

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First course session
08.10.2019 08:00 - 12:00 Z.1.09 On Campus
... no further dates known


Course title german Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning
Type Course (continuous assessment course )
Hours per Week 2.0
ECTS credits 4.0
Registrations 22 (35 max.)
Organisational unit
Language of instruction English
possible language(s) of the assessment German , English
Course begins on 08.10.2019
eLearning Go to Moodle course
Seniorstudium Liberale Yes

Time and place

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Course Information

Intended learning outcomes

It is possible to attend the course in English or/and German depending on the students/ group. Der Kurs kann in Englisch oder/und Deutsch abgehalten werden. Dies wird zu Beginn gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmenden festgelegt. 

The course aims to provide insights in affective and body-oriented approaches to peace education, peace and conflicts. Students gain an understanding of the affective and bodily dimensions in education and learning and more specifically in relation to peace and conflict. They practice combining key concepts and theories of peace and embodiment with their experiences in class through reflection papers. Students are able to connect embodied and affective learning  with peace and conflict.  

Teaching methodology including the use of eLearning tools

Theoretical Input, Literature, Experiential Learning through artistic methods, Discussions, Group work and Reflection papers. The attendance of the class is mandatory due to its self-experiential character. It is only possible to miss one class (4hours). 

Course content

Inspired by the Research Group on Body Oriented Approaches and Arts in Peace and Conflict Transformation in Innsbruck the course seeks to combine artistic and body-oriented approaches to peace and conflict.The students experientially and theoretically explore affective and body-oriented approaches as methodological learning tools, as self-experience and  theoretical background anchored in phenomenology, humanistic psychology and generally theories about affect, embodiment and learning using theories from transformative learning and a phenomenological understanding of learning as experience. The course aims to connect personal experience with theory and therefore uses experiential learning methods such as Open Floor, Hanne Tjersland, https://peaceinmovement.com/, (date: 26. 11. 19) Theatre of the Oppressed - Sophie Baumgartner http://tdu-wien.at/ (date: 3.12.2019) and during the Semester parts of the Heroine/Hero's journey connected with biographical work.

Prior knowledge expected



Boal, A. (2006). The Aesteticsof the Oppressed. London, New York: Routledge.

Dietrich, W. Variationen über Die Vielen Frieden : Band 2: Elicitive Konflikttransformation Und Die Transrationale Wende Der Friedenspolitik (2011).

Echavarría A., Ingruber, D. and Koppensteiner, Norbert, (2018) Transrational Resonances : Echoes to the Many Peaces. Springer International Publishing AG Verlag.

Facci, P. D. (2017) Dancing Conflicts, Unfolding Peaces: Dance as Method to Elicit Conflict Transformation.

Fisher-Yoshida, B., Dee Geller, K. & Schapiro, S.A. (2009). Innovations in Transformative Learning: Space, Culture, & the Arts. New York, NY ; Vienna [u.a.]: Lang.

Gregg, M. & Seigworth, G. (2010). The Affect Theory Reader. Durham, London: Duke University Press.

Koller, H-C. (2011). The Research of Transformational Educational Processes: exemplary considerations on the relation of the philosophy of education and educational research. European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 10 /3, 375-381.

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. (1968). The Visible and the Invisible. trans. Alphonso Lingis. Northwestern University Press: Evanston.

Meyer-Drawe, K. (2003). Lernen als Erfahrung. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 6. Jahrg., Heft 4, 505-514.

Peterlini, H.K. (2017). Die Geburt des Pathos. Performative Anstöße zu pädagogischen Verstehens-und Handlungsmöglichkeiten durch Vignetten, Zeichnungen und szenische Darbietung. In Schratz, M. Ammann, M. & Westfall-Greiter, T. (Hrsg.), Erfahrungen deuten - Deutungen erfahren . Experiental Vignettes and Anecdotes as Research, Evaluation and Mentoring Tool, Erfahrungsorientierte Bildungsforschung, Band 3, Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studien Verlag, 41 - 60.

Rebillot, P. (2011). Die Heldenreise. Das Abenteuer der kreativen Selbsterfahrung. Wasserburg am Inn: Eagle Books.

Examination information

Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.

Examination methodology

6 Reflection Papers in total. 1 Reflection paper (approx. 1500 words) after every class due to the next class. 


1 Paper- 29.10.19

2 Paper- 19.11.19

3 Paper- 26.11.19

4 Paper-3.12.19

5 Paper- 10.12.19

6 Paper- 17.12.19

 Particpation during class

Examination topic(s)

Theories on embodiement, learning, peace and conflict in relation with personal experiences and peace education. 

Assessment criteria / Standards of assessment for examinations

Reflection papers and participation in class

Grading scheme

Grade / Grade grading scheme

Position in the curriculum

  • Bachelor's degree programme Applied Cultural Studies (SKZ: 642, Version: 09W.3)
    • Subject: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Compulsory elective)
      • Module: Wahlfachmodul Friedensforschung
        • Wahlfachmodul Friedensforschung ( 6.0h XX / 12.0 ECTS)
          • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Besonderer Studienbereich Besonderer Studienbereich Friedensstudien (SKZ: 900, Version: 05S)
    • Subject: Kernbereich II - Friedenspädagogik (Compulsory subject)
      • Introduction to Peace Education ( 2.0h / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Media & Communications (SKZ: 641, Version: 09W.1)
    • Subject: Friedensstudien (Compulsory elective)
      • Besonderen Studienbereichs Friedensstudien ( 0.0h XX / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Master's degree programme Media, Communications & Culture (SKZ: 841, Version: 09W.1)
    • Subject: Friedensstudien (Compulsory elective)
      • Besonderen Studienbereichs Friedensstudien ( 0.0h XX / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Educational Science (SKZ: 645, Version: 17W.3)
    • Subject: Friedenspädagogik (Compulsory elective)
      • Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Friedenspädagogik und politische Bildung ( 0.0h VO/PS/KS/SE/VP/VC/VS / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelor's degree programme Educational Science (SKZ: 645, Version: 13W.2)
    • Subject: Friedenspädagogik (Compulsory elective)
      • Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Friedenspädagogik und politische Bildung ( 0.0h VO/PS/KU/SE/VP/VK/VS / 12.0 ECTS)
        • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Bachelor's degree programme Psychology (SKZ: 640, Version: 11W.5)
    • Subject: Freie Wahlfächer (Optional subject)
      • FW 17.1 Freie Wahlfächer ( 0.0h XX / 16.0 ECTS)
        • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. Semester empfohlen
  • Master's degree programme Psychology (SKZ: 840, Version: 12W.4)
    • Subject: Freie Wahlfächer (Optional subject)
      • Freie Wahlfächer ( 0.0h XX / 8.0 ECTS)
        • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Erweiterungscurriculum Transdisziplinäre Friedensstudien (Version: 16W.1)
    • Subject: Transdisziplinäre Friedensstudien (Compulsory subject)
      • Spezialisierung II wechselnde Schwerpunkte ( 0.0h VO,PS,SE, / 4.0 ECTS)
        • 560.032 Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h KS / 4.0 ECTS)

Equivalent courses for counting the examination attempts

Wintersemester 2021/22
  • 560.321 KS Body & Peace: Affective and Embodied Learning (2.0h / 4.0ECTS)