
Titel: QCAmap: a new interactive software program for Qualitative Content Analysis

Qualitative Content Analysis became a standardprocedure of text analysis in social and behavioral sciences (Titscher et al.,2000), standing between qualitative and quantitative approaches. It combines qualitativesteps of analysis (assignment of categories to text portions) and quantitativesteps (analysis of frequencies and contingencies of category occurrences) andthus can be labeled as mixed methods approach (Mayring et al., 2007). QualitativeContent Analysis had been developed thirty years ago on the basis ofQuantitative Content Analysis with the aim of providing a method, which allowsto analyze large amounts of textual material rule-guided, economically andinter-subjectively, with the central process of the assignment of categories totext passages being a qualitative, interpretive procedure. For this purposeclear content analytical rules and step-by-step models had been developed basedon theoretical considerations for several content analytical techniquesincluding summarization, inductive category development and deductive categoryapplication (Mayring, 2002; 2014).

Whenthinking about computer-aided text analysis, the role of software tools andtheir functionality differs between quantitative and qualitative contentanalysis. In quantitative research, the computer assists the researcher, who remains responsible for theinterpretation of the text, in organizing the materials, steps of analysis,results, etc. and serves as documentationcenter for the analysis, where every decision of coding and interpretingthe material is traced. The latter feature enhances the replicability of thecoding process, which is often criticized in qualitative research, andfacilitates reliability checks.

Available software programs for qualitativelyoriented text analysis (CAQDAS tools) like MAXQDA, Atlas.ti and others are oftenbased on the philosophy of Grounded Theory. Hence, several problems arise whentrying to use such tools to implement the procedures involved in the varioustechniques of Qualitative Content Analysis. For example workarounds using thememo-function are needed to implement the content analytical rules.

Moreover many traditional programs usea more or less static concept for the user interface, which makes it hard tomap work-flows.

Hence, within aresearch project an open access web-based software tool was developed which isdirectly based on the techniques of Qualitative Content Analysis (Mayring, 2002;2014). During software development content analytical rules as well as step-by-stepmodels and procedures were refined and updated to the latest findings inqualitative methods research. The workflow-guided program presentspre-structured templates following the several steps of analysis and producesoutput files, which allow for further quantitative analysis of frequencies andcontingencies of categories in the category system. In the web-application theuser is guided interactively through the content analytical procedures of thevarious techniques of Qualitative Content Analysis and strictly has to followthe specific step-by-step models developed for these techniques.

Typ: Poster-Präsentation
Homepage: -
Veranstaltung: 123rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Toronto)
Datum: 08.08.2015


Organisation Adresse
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung für Methodenlehre
Universitätsstrasse 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt
  +43 463 2700 991605
zur Organisation
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AT - 9020  Klagenfurt


  • 5010 - Psychologie
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  • Science to Science (Qualitätsindikator: III)
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