
Titel: QCAmap: an open access software for Qualitative Content Analysis

Abstract: In contrast to General Psychology, which usually shows a quantitative methodological orientation, Applied Psychology often works with open ended methods like interviews, focus groups, observation protocols, document analysis. This leads to the necessity of text analysis. Pure qualitative hermeneutical approaches are limited to explorative research questions. We have developed techniques of Qualitative Content Analysis (Mayring, 2000; 2013) which aim at a systematic, rule-guided and intersubjective analysis, integration qualitative (categorization of text) and quantitative (frequency analysis of category occurrences) procedures in the sense of a mixed methods design (Mayring et al., 2007). Central procedures are inductive category development and deductive category assignment. Several tools are taken from Quantitative Content Analysis (e.g. formulating of step models, definition of content analytical units, intercoder-agreement tests) and completed with rules for qualitative steps of analysis.

Because nowadays the textual material in empirical research projects is mostly in digital format computer programs seem to be useful. Current computer software tools for qualitative data (QDA software) are usually constructed from a Grounded Theory background. They contain a text window, a window for categories or codes and a window for commenting memos. For Qualitative Content Analysis several problems are arising within those programs, e.g. the display of content analytical rules like the coding agenda. So we developed a new computer program especially for Qualitative Content Analysis. Because of its interactive structure the user is guided through the content analytical procedures, he has to follow the specific step models using specific templates. Intra- and inter-coder agreement tests are possible. Several outcome formats of the results allow further quantitative analyses. The software is web based, and usable in open access ( The contribution shows the basic features and an example from unemployment research working with open-ended interview material.

Keywords: Content Analysis, Qualitative Research

Typ: Poster-Präsentation
Homepage: -
Veranstaltung: 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2014) (Paris)
Datum: 13.07.2014


Organisation Adresse
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung für Methodenlehre
Universitätsstrasse 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt
  +43 463 2700 991605
zur Organisation
Universitätsstrasse 65-67
AT - 9020  Klagenfurt
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
Institut für Psychologie
Zentrum für Evaluation und Forschungsberatung (ZEF)
Universitätsstr. 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt
zur Organisation
Universitätsstr. 65-67
AT - A-9020  Klagenfurt


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  • Bildungsforschung
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