Master data

Title: Constructing 'Do-Able' Dissertations in Collaborative Research: Improvising and Arranging Alignment in Experimental High-Energy Physics

In many natural science disciplines, doctoral training takes place in research groups, where students collaborate with other scientists and contribute to a collective research goal. Although collaborative research plays an essential role in the training of young scientists, there is yet no dedicated study on how individual dissertations are carved out of collaborative research projects, and how dissertations are made “do-able”, that is, feasible and worth doing from both the individual and the collective point of view. This question is particularly pronounced in contemporary high-energy physics, where experiments involve thousands of researchers and unfold over several decades. Based on qualitative interviews with researchers working in the ATLAS collaboration at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, my paper traces out what it takes for a dissertation project do be “do-able” in this context. I describe two different kinds of “alignment work” that researchers engage in when constructing do-able research projects, and I show that they are based on different kinds of agency concerning collaborative “rhythms” of work. While the do-ability of research projects is a matter of achieving alignment between contexts of work and organizational rhythms both internal and external to the research collaboration, their academic value as dissertations requires a break of this alignment, such that individual contributions become visible. 

Type: Invited speaker
Homepage: -
Event: Sociology of Science Seminar (Fachbereich Wissenschaftsforschung, TU Berlin)
Date: 28.01.2021
lecture status: stattgefunden (online)



Organisation Address
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
Institut für Gesellschaft, Wissen und Politik
Lakeside Haus B07b, Raum B07.1.117
9020 Klagenfurt
To organisation
Lakeside Haus B07b, Raum B07.1.117
AT - 9020  Klagenfurt


Subject areas
  • 509017 - Social studies of science
Research Cluster
  • Humans in the Digital Age
Focus of lecture
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: I)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
Group of participants
  • Mainly international
  • No
Keynote speaker
  • No
working groups No working group selected


No partner organisations selected