Master data

Title: UVIO: An UWB-Aided Visual-Inertial Odometry Framework with Bias-Compensated Anchors Initialization

This paper introduces UVIO, a multi-sensor framework that leverages Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology and Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) to provide robust and low-drift localization. In order to include range measurements in state estimation, the position of the UWB anchors must be known. This study proposes a multi-step initialization procedure to map multiple unknown anchors by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), in a fully autonomous fashion. To address the limitations of initializing UWB anchors via a random trajectory, this paper uses the Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP) as a measure of optimality in anchor position estimation, to compute a set of optimal waypoints and synthesize a trajectory that minimizes the mapping uncertainty. After the initialization is complete, the range measurements from multiple anchors, including measurement biases, are tightly integrated into the VIO system. While in range of the initialized anchors, the VIO drift in position and heading is eliminated. The effectiveness of UVIO and our initialization procedure has been validated through a series of simulations and real-world experiments.

Keywords: Location awareness, Uncertainty, Autonomous aerial vehicles, Real-time systems, Trajectory, Odometry, Reliability
Type: Invited speaker
Homepage: -
Event: 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (Detroit)
Date: 03.10.2023
lecture status: stattgefunden (Präsenz)


Organisation Address
Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften
Institut für Intelligente Systemtechnologien
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
To organisation
Universitätsstraße 65-67
AT - 9020  Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


Subject areas
  • 202037 - Signal processing
  • 102003 - Image processing
  • 202035 - Robotics
Research Cluster
  • Self-organizing systems
Focus of lecture
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: I)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
Group of participants
  • Mainly international
  • Yes
Keynote speaker
  • No
working groups
  • Control of Networked Systems


Organisation Address
Università degli Studi di Trento
38122 Trento
Italy - Alpine-Adriatic region, particularly Friuli Venezia Giulia, Venezia, Trentino-Alto Adige
IT - 38122  Trento