Master data

Title: Workshop Images as Agents in Digital Public Spheres. 3rd International Workshopon Visual Research for Doctoral Students

Abstract: The starting point for the conception of this workshop is the assumption that the advent of the internet and of digital media restructures the relationship between people and information in a new way. Correspondingly, the guiding question for us is how to connect current research on the social agency of (moving) images in the digital age with investigations into contemporary public spheres. The aim for organising the workshop on this guiding theme is thus to bridge an analysis of visual media worlds with a sociological, historical, aesthetic and political analysis of contemporary public spheres. This we see connected to questions of social and political practices of contemporary image production and to economies of looking and sharing in social networks but also to contemporary art practices in relation to digital image making. These guiding questions are tackled from various viewpoints using a wide range of methodological approaches. There are presentations on visual activism and on ways of political image making, on hyper-images, on technological questions, but also on historiographies of image practices and visual archives, pictures as witnesses and questions of media-ethics. This workshop is organised in cooperation with the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee/ RC 57 Visual Sociology.

Keywords: Visuelle Kultur
Short title: Images as Agents
City: AAU Klagenfurt
Country: Austria
Period: 27.06.2019 - 28.06.2019
Contact e-mail:


Funding type Other
Event type
  • Workshop
Subject areas
  • 508 - Media and Communication Sciences
  • 604 - Arts
Research Cluster
  • Visual culture
Group of participants
  • Mainly international
Event focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: II)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups No working group selected


No available funding programs


Lectures of the event

Networked Images on Display
Networked Images on Display

E. Gellautz

since 28.06.2019

To Lecture
Introduction, Workshop Images as Agents in Digital Public Spheres. 3rd International Workshop on Visual Research for Doctoral Students
Introduction, Workshop Images as Agents in Digital Public Spheres. 3rd International Workshop on Visual Research for Doctoral Students

A. Schober-de Graaf

since 27.06.2019

To Lecture