Master data

Title: Sustainable teaching and learning in music schools – a multi-perspective view against the background of the Carinthian pilot program Musikschule plus

One of the central goals of music schools is to initiate sustainable teaching and learning processes that help to inspire students to pursue long-term and self-directed engagement with a musical instrumentor singing. In order to achieve this goal, education administrators, music school management, teaching practice and science must create appropriate conditions for success and develop empirically proven support frameworks. A number of measures for sustainable music school teaching are currently beingdeveloped in the Austrian province of Carinthia (Kärntner Landesregierung [Carinthian ProvincialGovernment], 2023). Under the Musikschule plus pilot project, the concept GANZ in der Musik (Unterguggenberger, 2023) has been implemented at two pilot schools and is being scientifically studied by the Gustav Mahler Private University of Music (Schaumberger & Schunter, 2023). It encompasses aconceptual interlocking of the teaching of theory and practice and is intended to specifically promote both the motivation and skills of instrumental and vocal students.In the first part of the panel, representatives of the music schools in the province of Carinthia willpresent their educational development concept and thoughts on increasing cultural and ecological sustainability. In the second part, the research team from the Gustav Mahler Private University of Musicwill explain the concept on which the accompanying research is based and discuss initial findings. Perspectives on the goal of "music-related independence" and an examination of the underlyingconcept GANZ in der Musik will be discussed. In the third part, A. Lehmann-Wermser, M. Wieser and F.H. Müller, who are lending their expertise to the research project in Carinthia, will discuss aspects of sustainable teaching and learning against the background of their own research projects on instrumental teaching at primary schools (Lehmann-Wermser et al. 2014) and on motivation in music(school) lessons (Evans, 2015; Wieser & Müller, 2022). In addition, they will reference scientific findingson sustainable learning from other disciplines.The panel will conclude with a discussion among all participants about the possibilities to sustainablydevelop the work of music schools through goal-oriented collaboration and the use of inter-institutionalsynergies.

Keywords: Instrumental music instruction, sustainable teaching and learning processes, long-term and self-directed engagement, Self-Determination Theory, Basic Psychological Needs, Instrumental Music
Short title:
City: Wien
Country: Austria
Period: on 06.10.2023
Veranstaltungsstatus: stattgefunden (Präsenz)
Contact e-mail: -



Funding type Other
Event type
  • Symposium/Colloquium
Subject areas
  • 503022 - Music education
  • 501016 - Educational psychology
  • 501013 - Motivational psychology
Research Cluster
  • Educational research
Group of participants
  • Mainly international
Event focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: n.a.)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups No working group selected


No available funding programs


Organisation Address
Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik (GMPU)
Mießtaler Str. 8
9020 Klagenfurt
Austria - Carinthia
Mießtaler Str. 8
AT - 9020  Klagenfurt

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