
Titel: (Mis)Understanding Political Participation.
Beschreibung: Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung der ECREA, der DBPuK und der Sektion Medien- und Kommunikationssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. It is commonly accepted that political participation and civic engagement are cornerstones of a healthy democracy. Going beyond established academic discourses about the decline of citizens’ political participation in institutional politics, and the rise of alternative forms of political participation, this conference aims to explore the issues, the platforms, the actions, the locations, and the motivations of politically active citizens today. Political participation is nowadays characterised by ambiguities: Despite the evidence of growing disenchantment with institutional politics, electoral turnouts in some countries are increasing; despite increased possibilities for participation through online media, these are often dismissed as ‘clicktivism’; despite celebratory discourses on the uses of social media in the Arab spring, the Occupy movement, in the Pussy Riot case, the same-sex marriage debates in France and the UK and in recent LGBT+ protests, they were grounded and performed in particular physical spaces; despite their possibilities for challenging the mainstream, online media technologies are mostly profit-driven. We need to discuss the opportunities and challenges that these conditions entail for the ways in which digitally-mediated social interactions, practices and environments shape everyday participation, engagement or protest, and to analyse their implications for politics, culture and society. This includes asking whether “clicktivism” is eroding the physical or embodied participation constituting traditional offline activism, and if new ‘digital divides’ and political, social and cultural inequalities will result from mediated participation and engagement. Crucially, it also warrants critically re-assessing the relations and interplays between institutional and non-institutional politcs, and traditional definitions of what is considered ‘political’.
Schlagworte: Demokratie, Partizipation, Medien, Politik
Ort: Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft der LMU München
Staat: Deutschland
Zeitraum: 10.10.2013 - 12.10.2013
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Förderungstyp Sonstiger
  • Tagung/Konferenz
  • 5918 - Medienforschung, -kunde (6905)
  • 5114 - Politische Bildung (5842)
  • 54 - Soziologie
Forschungscluster Kein Forschungscluster ausgewählt
TeilnehmerInnenkreis Kein TeilnehmerInnenkreis ausgewählt
  • Science to Science (Qualitätsindikator: n.a.)
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Arbeitsgruppen Keine Arbeitsgruppe ausgewählt


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