
Titel: IFF-Lecture: ANTHROPOCENIC PROMISES: The End of Nature, Climate Change and the Process of Post-Politicization
Beschreibung: Vortrag: Prof. Erik SWYNGEDOUW Geography, School of Environment and Development University of Manchester, UK In the paper, I explore the paradoxical situation whereby the environment is politically mobilized, yet this political concern with the environment, as presently articulated, is argued to suspend the proper political dimension. I shall explore how the elevation of the environment to a public concern is both a marker of and constituent force in the production of de-politicization. The paper has four parts. In the first part, I problematise the question of Nature and the environment. I argue that there is no such thing as a singular Nature around which an environmental or climate policy and future can be constructed and performed. Rather, there are a multitude of natures and a multitude of existing, possible or practical socio-natural relations – and proper politicization of the environment needs to endorse this heterogeneity fully. In a second part, the emblematic case of climate change policy will be presented as cause célèbre of de-politicization. I argue how climate matters were brought into the domain of politics, but articulated around a particular imag(in)ing of what a ‘good’ climate or a ‘good’ environment is, while the political was systematically evacuated from the terrain of the – now Anthropocenic -- environment. The third part will relate this argument to the views of political theorists who have proposed that the political constitution of contemporary western democracies is increasingly marked by the consolidation of post-political and post-democratic arrangements. In the fourth section, I discuss the climate change consensus in light of the post-political thesis. I shall conclude that the matter of the environment in general, and climate change in particular, needs to be displaced onto the terrain of the properly political.
Schlagworte: climate change, post-politization
Ort: Wien
Staat: Österreich
Zeitraum: am 28.11.2012
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MitarbeiterInnen Zeitraum
Helmut Haberl (intern)
  • 28.11.2012 - 28.11.2012


Förderungstyp Sonstiger
  • Symposium/Kolloqium
  • 5425 - Umweltsoziologie
  • 5914 - Umweltforschung (1907)
  • 2944 - Humanökologie
  • 5368 - Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften (2959, 4924)
  • 5924 - Umweltökonomie (2928, 5353)
  • 1921 - Ökologische Langzeitforschung (2960)
  • Nachhaltigkeit
TeilnehmerInnenkreis Kein TeilnehmerInnenkreis ausgewählt
  • Science to Science (Qualitätsindikator: n.a.)
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Arbeitsgruppen Keine Arbeitsgruppe ausgewählt


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