Master data

Title: Migration und Kommunen
Description: In mehreren wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen wurde das Thema Migration und Kommunen mulitperspektivisch betrachtet. Themenschwerpunkte: Migration, Integration, Aufgabe von Städten, Bildung und Partizipation
Keywords: Bildung und Partizipation, Migration, Integration
Short title:
City: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Country: Austria
Period: on 26.01.2012
Contact e-mail: -
Homepage: -


Employees Time period
Bettina Gruber (internal)
  • 26.01.2012 - 26.01.2012


Funding type Other
Event type
  • Other event
Subject areas
  • 6518 - Social history
  • 6522 - Contemporary history
  • 5952 - Migration research, emigration -,
  • 5842 - Political education
Research Cluster No research Research Cluster selected
Group of participants No group of participants selected
Event focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: n.a.)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups No working group selected


No available funding programs


No partner organisations selected

Lectures of the event

No related lectures