
Titel: Working group "Probability simulators and data analysis programmes"
Beschreibung: Tools always influence the ideas behind. Software, initially used to apply statistical procedures, have initiated completely new approaches to statistics, e.g. exploratory data analysis with its open models and interactive modelling, or non-parametric methods with the resampling technique to establish necessary distributions for the comparison of a given set of data, or more recently bootstrap methods. For the teaching of statistics, it is promising to integrate more realistic problems with the help of data analysis packages – this sheds a better light on the meaning of statistical procedures. The simulation technique gives rise to a material manifestation of quite theoretical concepts like size and power of statistical tests, or simply the meaning of a probability or a probability distribution. Moreover, the graphic capacities of software helps, partially in combination with the simulation technique, to visualize complex ideas like the laws of large number, or the central limit theorem. For didactical purpose, there are at least two different directions of software for teaching statistics, i.e. as tools for data analysis as a basis for learning environments, and as tools for simulation and modelling. Existing software is quite inhomogeneous: Data analysis tools ranging from procedures from a spreadsheet up to professional data analysis packages like SPSS, either menu-driven or even command-orientated like R or Lisp-Stat; tools for simula¬tion covering single difficult aspects of the curriculum like the distribution of the arithmetic mean, or introducing into the whole chapter of probability and questions of statistical judge¬ment. All in all it holds, the more a software covers from the statistical curriculum, the less it is refined with respect to didactical reflections on how to introduce difficult concepts. There is an urgent need to specify the requirements of suitable software, or to design guidelines for a fruitful usage of existing, e.g. to make the best sense of spreadsheets, which would have the advantage of wide availability, or to use available hand-held technique to the best in the sense of a didactically refined approach towards the topic. Such questions are on the agenda to be discussed alongside all the presentations in the working group. The single keynote papers cover a wide spectrum of topics: the simulation technique as well as learning environments with a command-orientated language. Moreover, the spreadsheet discussion, how far can we come with this popular software.
Schlagworte: Software, Statistikausbildung, Anwendungen
Ort: Klagenfurt
Staat: Österreich
Zeitraum: 06.08.2001 - 09.08.2001
Kontakt-Email: -
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MitarbeiterInnen Zeitraum
Manfred Borovcnik (intern)
  • 06.08.2001 - 09.08.2001


Förderungstyp Sonstiger
  • Tagung/Konferenz
  • 1118 - Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
  • 1105 - Computer Software
  • 1113 - Mathematische Statistik
Forschungscluster Kein Forschungscluster ausgewählt
TeilnehmerInnenkreis Kein TeilnehmerInnenkreis ausgewählt
  • Science to Science (Qualitätsindikator: n.a.)
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Arbeitsgruppen Keine Arbeitsgruppe ausgewählt


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