Lubas J., Eder J.:
In: Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
: 24th International Conference, BPMDS 2023, and 28th International Conference, EMMSAD 2023, Zaragoza, Spain, June 12–13, 2023, Proceedings
(24th International Conference, BPMDS 2023, and 28th International Conference, EMMSAD 2023, Zaragoza, Spain, June 12–13, 2023, Proceedings - LNBIP, Band 479
Springer, Cham,
pp. 121
- 135.
Beitrag in Proceedings
Bei personenbezogenen Filtereinstellungen ist zu beachten, dass die in der FoDok enthaltenen Einträge keinen Gesamtüberblick der Forschungsleistungen einer Person darstellen.
Lubas J., Franceschetti M., Eder J.: In: ER-Forum-PhD 2022 ER Forum and PhD Symposium 2022 : Proceedings of the ER Forum and PhD Symposium 2022 co-located with 41st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2022) (Proceedings of the ER Forum and PhD Symposium 2022 co-located with 41st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2022), Band 3211 ), Aachen: CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, 2022, pp. 103
Beitrag in Proceedings -
Eder J., Franceschetti M., Lubas J.: In: Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling : 21st International Conference, BPMDS 2020, 25th International Conference, EMMSAD 2020, Held at CAiSE 2020, Grenoble, France, June 8–9, 2020, Proceedings Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, pp. 117 - 132.
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Beitrag in Proceedings