Master data

Title: Towards Model Checking Security of Real Time Java Software

More and more software libraries and applications in high-performance computing and distributed systems are coded using the Java programming language. The correctness of such pieces of code w.r.t. a given set of security policies often depends on the correct handling of timing between concurrent or recurrent events. Model-checking has proven to be an effective tool for verifying correctness of software. In spite of the growing importance of this application area of formal methods, though, no one targets the problem of verifying the correctness of real-time software w.r.t. timed specifications. The few existing works focus on very different problems, such as schedulability analysis of Java tasks. We describe an approach combining rule-based static analysis together with symbolic execution of Java code to extract networks of timed automata from existing software and then use Uppaal to model-check it against timed specifications. We claim that this approach can be helpful in model-checking security policies of real time java software.

Publication type: Article in Proceedings (Authorship)
Publication date: 16.07.2018 (Online)
Published by: 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS)
2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS)
to publication
 ( IEEE; )
Title of the series: -
Volume number: -
First publication: Yes
Version: -
Page: pp. 642 - 649


Keine Version vorhanden
Publication date: 16.07.2018
ISBN (e-book): -
eISSN: -
Open access
  • Available online (not open access)


Organisation Address
Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften
Institut für Informatik-Systeme
Universitätsstr. 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt
To organisation
Universitätsstr. 65-67
AT - A-9020  Klagenfurt


Subject areas
  • 101013 - Mathematical logic
  • 101028 - Mathematical modelling
Research Cluster No research Research Cluster selected
Peer reviewed
  • Yes
Publication focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: II)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups
  • Software Engineering Research Group (SERG)


Organisation Address
Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM)
P.zza Roma 22
60121 Ancona
Italy - rest of Italy
P.zza Roma 22
IT - 60121  Ancona

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