
Titel: Towards Intelligent Handling of Quality Related Issues in Software Development – A Project Report

Establishing reliable communication between all stakeholders involved in a software process is important for coming to terms and agreements on the quality of the prospective software. However, quality is perceived differently by different stakeholder groups, in particular, business people often refuse talking about quality before they experience the system. In addition, past experience related to handling quality-related issues in a software process (in a sense of issue management systems such as JIRA) is often not managed properly. To tackle this problem, we aim at a tool-supported framework implementing a four-stage issue handling process. It involves acquiring the raw information about quality-related issues from the different parties in a software process and converting this information into a set of knowledge structures reflecting their views; converting and integrating these structures into a “global view”; solving analytical tasks such as facilitating knowledge reuse based on the global view; and converting and externalizing the global view back into the form that reflects the views of the different parties. The proposed solution is expected to reduce the time and effort for establishing a communication basis while discussing software quality, thus cutting costs and strengthening the mutual trust of the parties

Publikationstyp: Beitrag in Sammelwerk (Autorenschaft)
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013 (Print)
Erschienen in: Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Anwenderkonferenz für Softwarequalität Test und Innovation - ASQT 2012
Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Anwenderkonferenz für Softwarequalität Test und Innovation - ASQT 2012
zur Publikation
 ( Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG); D. Wuksch, B. Peischl, C. Kop )
Titel der Serie:
Bandnummer: 295
Erstveröffentlichung: Ja
Seite: S. 113 - 129
Gesamtseitenanzahl: 17 S.


Keine Version vorhanden
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013
  • 978-3-85403-295-3
Homepage: -


Organisation Adresse
Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften
Institut für Artificial Intelligence und Cybersecurity
Universitätsstr. 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt
zur Organisation
Universitätsstr. 65-67
AT - A-9020  Klagenfurt


  • 102 - Informatik
Forschungscluster Kein Forschungscluster ausgewählt
Peer Reviewed
  • Nein
  • Science to Professionals (Qualitätsindikator: n.a.)
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