Master data

Sogeti Lot 2 - Service Supply in Environmental Accounts (SEnvAcc)

Supply of statistical services in the field of environmental economic accounts – Lot 2: data production and development of physical environmental accounts

Seit der Implementierung der ersten Europäische Strategie für Umweltgesamtrechnung (ESEA) in 2003 haben Europäische politische VertreterInnen die Wichtigkeit der Umweltgesamtrechnung als Instrument für nachhaltige Entwicklung und die EU Umweltpolitik erkannt. Eurostat ist, gemeinsam mit den nationalen statistischen Ämtern, verantwortlich für die Berichterstattung. Hintergrundmaterial für Eurostat Umweltgesamtrechnung – Handbücher, Fragebögen, Datenbanken, Pilotstudien, von einzelnen Ländern – sind auf der Eurostat website verfügbar.
Aus den verschiedenen Aktivitäten von Eurostat, werden manche an Vertragsnehmer ausgelagert. Dieser Vertrag umfasst unterstützende Leistungen in der Datenermittlung und Weiterentwicklung der physischen Umweltgesamtrechnung. Innerhalb des Vertrages ist das Institut für Soziale Ökologie in den Teilbereich der MFA involviert.

Keywords: Statistik, Umweltgesamtrechnung
Supply of statistical services in the field of environmental economic accounts – Lot 2: data production and development of physical environmental accounts

Since the adoption of the first European Strategy for Environmental Accounting (ESEA) in 2003, European leaders have recognised the important role of environmental accounting as an instrument for sustainable development and for EU environment policy. Background material on Eurostat's environmental accounting – manuals and handbooks, questionnaires, data publications as well as pilot studies undertaken by individual countries – is available on the Eurostat website. Together with the national statistical offices, Eurostat is responsible for the European statistical system. Eurostat carries out some of its activities by awarding contracts for the provision of services relating to the various fields of the European statistical programme.
This contract is about supporting service on data production and development of physical environmental accounts (Lot 2). Therein, the Institute of Social Ecology is involved in task 2 on economy-wide material flow accounts, which includes the following activities:
a. Revision of methodology (update of compilation guidelines)
b. Revision of questionnaire – incl. compilation and checking tools, and annexes
c. Prepare for checking & gap-filling (auxiliary files (i.e. COMEXT) and checking tools update and testing)
d. Validate and gap-filling data (incl. early estimates T+15) in consultation with NSIs (iterations)
e. Dissemination (preparation of a MFA publication in Statistics in Focus)
f. Early estimates T+8

Keywords: environmental accounting, statistics
Short title: Sogeti Lot 2 - service supply in environ
Period: 01.01.2014 - 31.03.2017
Contact e-mail: -
Homepage: -


Employees Role Time period
Nina Eisenmenger (internal)
  • Project leader
  • 01.01.2014 - 31.03.2017
Anke Schaffartzik (internal)
  • Research staff
  • 01.01.2014 - 31.03.2015
Fridolin Krausmann (internal)
  • Research staff
  • 01.01.2014 - 31.03.2015


Project type Grant-supported research
Funding type §27
Research type
  • Applied research
  • Fundamental research
Subject areas
  • 405004 - Sustainable agriculture
  • 107004 - Human ecology
  • 105904 - Environmental research
  • 502022 - Sustainable economics
  • 504029 - Environmental sociology
  • 502042 - Environmental economics
Research Cluster
  • Sustainability
Gender aspects 0%
Project focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: n.a.)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups No working group selected


Funding program
Sogeti Luxembourg
Organisation: Sogeti Luxembourg


Organisation Address
Sogeti Luxembourg
Route de Longwy 36
8080 Bertrange
Route de Longwy 36
LU - 8080  Bertrange
CE, Cambridge Econometrics
Covent Garden
CB1 2HT Cambridge
Great Britain & N.Ireland
Covent Garden
GB - CB1 2HT  Cambridge
Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt
Hintere Zollamtsstrasse 2b
1033 Wien
  +43 (0) 1 71128-0
  +43 (0) 1 71128-7728
Hintere Zollamtsstrasse 2b
AT - 1033  Wien
Statistics Sweden
Box 24300
10451 Stockholm
Box 24300
SE - 10451  Stockholm