Master data

CASTLE- Careers in Sustainability Excellence

Das Projekt “Careers in Sustainability Excellence" (CASTLE), ein EU-FP7 Marie Curie Projekt, bündelt Expertise und Training in wesentlichen Bereichen der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung im europaweiten Forst- und Bioenergiesektor. Das Projekt wird state-of-the-art Methoden zur Analyse von Nachhaltigkeitsproblemen entwickeln und sie Industrie und politischen Entscheidungsträgern zugänglich machen. Inhaltlich werden Themen wie Treibhausgasemissionen, Carbon Fußabdruck, Materialflussanalyse, Lebenszyklusanalyse bearbeitet. Zudem werden auch die damit im Zusammenhang stehenden Handelsverflechtungen und der indirekte Landnutzungswandel analysiert. CASTLE wird Trainings zu Nachhal-tigkeitsassessments anbieten und Forschung zu einer breiten Palette an Methoden und Analyseverfahren der nachhaltigen Entwicklung bündeln. 14 Doktoratsstipendien werden hierzu ausgeschrieben. Die Qualifikationsar-beiten sollen zumeist unter Beteiligung von Akteuren aus der Privatwirtschaft verfasst werden.

Keywords: Bioenergie, Biotreibstoff, Land use research, Life cycle assessment, Multikriterienanalyse, Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren,

Implementing the EU vision of a Green Economy will cause rapid changes to the forest-based and bio-energy sectors. Growing bioenergy demands change land use and cause intensified resource utilisation in agriculture and forestry. Sustainable development targets in production and consumption of biomass and wood products have stimulated wider adoption of sustainability assessment methods in policy and company practices. The forest-based and bioenergy sectors have prominent roles to play in developing a sustainable knowledge based bio-economy due to their foundation on renewable resource use and their substantial climate change mitigation potential. The Careers in Sustainability Excellence (CASTLE) project will combine research and training on a suit of methods used for sustainability assessments in the forest-based and bioenergy sectors in Europe. The project will develop state-of-the art methods that can be applied to current sustainability challenges in the industry and regional policy making. The sustainability experts working in the sectors in the future need to be knowledgeable about direct sustainability impacts of operations (e.g. GHG-emissions, carbon footprint, and the resulting product footprints). But as new products may also induce indirect-land use changes especially in other world regions, the experts need to have a broad understanding of global market and land use effects. As communicators towards the customers, the future experts also need to transparently report on social corporate responsibility of companies. CASTLE will elaborate an overall training schedule on sustainability assessment methods to train the early stage researchers in a broad range of methods and skills that will offer them excellent competences for their future careers in the industry, consultancy business or policy making. 14 individual research studies will in addition develop specific methods and practices in more detail, mostly in ooperation with private sector actors.

Keywords: Env. Extended Input-output Model, labour, Land use research, life cycle analysis, life cycle assessment, Material Flow Analysis, resource efficiency indicators, sustainable development, sustainability indicators
Short title: CASTLE
Period: 01.11.2012 - 28.02.2018
Contact e-mail: -
Homepage: -


Employees Role Time period
Karlheinz Erb (internal)
  • Project leader
  • 01.11.2012 - 28.02.2018
Anna Liza Bais (internal)
  • Research staff
  • 01.11.2012 - 28.02.2018


Project type Research funding (on request / by call for proposals)
Funding type §27
Research type
  • Applied research
  • Fundamental research
Subject areas
  • 105904 - Environmental research
  • 107004 - Human ecology
  • 405004 - Sustainable agriculture
  • 502022 - Sustainable economics
  • 502042 - Environmental economics
  • 504029 - Environmental sociology
Research Cluster
  • Sustainability
Gender aspects 0%
Project focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: n.a.)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups No working group selected



Organisation Address
Holzbau Deutschland Institut
Kronenstraße 55-58
10117 Berlin
Kronenstraße 55-58
DE  10117 Berlin
Processum Biorefinery Initiative AB
Hörneborgsvägen 12
89250 Domsjö
Hörneborgsvägen 12
SE - 89250  Domsjö
University of Eastern Finland
Yliopistonkatu 2
80101 Joensuu
Yliopistonkatu 2
FI - 80101  Joensuu
Swedisch University of Agricultural Sciences
Arrheniusplan 4
75007 Uppsala
Arrheniusplan 4
SE - 75007  Uppsala
Fédération des Industries du Bois Construction
6 Avenue de St Mandé
75012 Paris
6 Avenue de St Mandé
FR - 75012  Paris
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
8010 Graz
AT - 8010  Graz
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33
1180 Wien
Austria - Vienna
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33
AT - 1180  Wien
Institute Technologique FCBA (Foretcellulose bois-construction ameublement)
10 Avenue de Saint Mandé
75012 Paris
10 Avenue de Saint Mandé
FR - 75012  Paris
European Forest Institute
Torikatu 34
80100 Joensuu
Torikatu 34
FI - 80100  Joensuu
Stiftelsen Skogbrukets Forskninginstitut - the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden
Glunten, Uppsala Science Park
75183 Uppsala
Glunten, Uppsala Science Park
SE - 75183  Uppsala
Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V.
Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg
Eberswalder Straße 84
DE - 15374  Müncheberg
Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus - Technical Research Centre of Finland
Metallimiehenkuja 6
02150 Espoo
Metallimiehenkuja 6
FI - 02150  Espoo
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei
Bundesallee 50
38116 Braunschweig
Bundesallee 50
DE - 38116  Braunschweig
MHG Systems Oy (MHGS)
Mikpoli Patteristonkatu 2
50100 Mikkeli
Mikpoli Patteristonkatu 2
FI - 50100  Mikkeli
Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research Ltd
Strasice 299
33845 Strasice
Strasice 299
CZ  33845 Strasice
Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environment Sciences
16, Rue Claude-Bernard
75231 Paris
16, Rue Claude-Bernard
FR - 75231  Paris
Denkstatt Bulgaria Ltd.
115 Arsenalski blvd ent 1, fl. 5, app. 7
1421 Sofia
115 Arsenalski blvd ent 1, fl. 5, app. 7
BG - 1421  Sofia