Master data

Description: Erstellung eines Sachstandsberichtes zum Klimawandel in Österreich: Klima, Klimaimpacts, Vulnerabilities, Adaptation and Mitigation (3 Bände). Der Beitrag der SEC bezieht sich auf die Erstellung des Kapitels 2 in Band 3: Anpassung und Mitigation im Bereich Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft, Ökosysteme und Biodiversität und Wasser in Kooperation mit den für dieses Kapitel zuständigen Lead Authors sowie dem Convening Lead Author Josef Eitzinger (BOKU Wien)
Keywords: Biodiversität, Landwirtschaft, Anpassung, Ökosysteme, Klimaschutz, Klima, Klimawandel, Wasser, Fortswirtschaft
Description: Compilation of an assessment report on Climate Change in Austria: Climate, Climate Change, Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities, Adaptation and Mitigation (3 Volumes). The SEC input refers to chapter 2 in volume 3: Adaptation and mitigation in agriculture, forestry, ecosystems/biodiversity and water in cooperation with the lead author team as well as the second convening lead author (Josef Eitzinger, BOKU Vienna)
Keywords: social metabolism, forestry, water, new, rural systems, ecosystems, mitigation of climate change
Short title: n.a.
Period: 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013
Contact e-mail: -
Homepage: -


Employees Role Time period
Veronika Gaube (internal)
  • Research staff
  • 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013
Helmut Haberl (internal)
  • Project leader
  • 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013


Project type Grant-supported research
Funding type §27
Research type
  • Applied research
  • Fundamental research
Subject areas
  • 5425 - Environmental sociology *
  • 5914 - Environmental research *
  • 5924 - Environmental economics *
  • 5368 - Sustainable development, sustainable economics *
  • 1921 - Long-term ecological research *
  • 2944 - Human ecology *
Research Cluster
  • Sustainability
Gender aspects 0%
Project focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: n.a.)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups No working group selected



Organisation Address
Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC), Energy Economics Group TU Wien
c/o Energy Economics Group TU Wien, Gusshausstrasse 25-29/370-3
1040 Wien
c/o Energy Economics Group TU Wien, Gusshausstrasse 25-29/370-3
AT - 1040  Wien
Klimaforschungsnetzwerk Österreich (CCCA)
Borkowskigasse 4
1190 Wien
Borkowskigasse 4
AT - 1190  Wien