Master data

Ko-Evolution von Gesellschaft und Natur im Zuge industrieller Modernisierung
Description: In diesem Projekt wird untersucht, wie sich die Interaktionen von gesellschaftlichen und natürlichen Systemen im Zuge der Industrialisierung verändert haben. Diese Frage der Koevolution natürlicher und gesellschaftlicher Systeme wird als interdisziplinärer Theorieentwicklungsprozess zwischen Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften gestaltet. Mit einer Kombination von empirischer Erhebung und Theorieentwicklung in Form eines iterativen Prozesses wird versucht zu einer "Grounded Theory" (Strauss & Corbin 1996) zu gelangen. Ausgangspunkt der Theorieentwicklung sind die an der Abteilung Soziale Ökologie entwickelten Konzepte "Gesellschaftlicher Stoffwechsel" und "Kolonisierung von Natur" (Fischer-Kowalski et al. 1997, Weisz 1998, Fischer-Kowalski & Schandl 1998). Empirisch werden verschiedene exemplarische Fragestellungen untersucht.
Keywords: Lebensqualität, Koevolution von Gesellschaft und Natur, Zucht, Gesellschaftlicher Metabolismus, Capacity Building, Arbeit
Co-evolution of society-nature interactions in the course of industrial modernization
Description: We address long term dynamics, driving forces and feedbacks of society-nature interactions in order to examine key interrelations between socio-economic and ecological changes during industrial modernisation in Austria. The project plan is to (1) propose a theoretical framework to analyse industrial modernisation in terms of society-nature interactions; (2) to show how this framework can discipline empirical studies; (3) to perform two case studies and (4) to conclude strategies for sustainable development. The theoretical model focuses on the mutual dependencies of symbolic/cultural and biophysical processes that are relevant for societal dynamics, thus linking social and economic development to environmental change. The theoretical framework comprises two complementary concepts, "society''s metabolism" and "colonisation of natural processes", to describe the physical interactions between societies and their natural environments. Society''s metabolism is operationalized using various methods of material flow accounting (MFA) and by relating these data to social and economic parameters. The first case study describes industrial modernisation as a process that originates with a fundamental change in the energy system (the transition from a solar based society to a society based on fossil fuels) and is accompanied by an exponentially growing use of energy and material. The key question, then, is how this physical dynamic is linked to economic growth and human welfare and how de-coupling processes can be enhanced. The second case study focuses on methods for identifying the influence of different colonisation strategies on natural and social processes.
Keywords: coevolution of society and nature , quality of life , colonization , breeding , society´s metabolism, labour
Short title: n.a.
Period: 01.01.1999 - 31.12.2001
Contact e-mail: -
Homepage: -


Employees Role Time period
Helga Weisz (internal)
  • Project leader
  • Research staff
  • Contact person
  • 01.01.1999 - 31.12.2001
  • 01.01.1999 - 31.12.2001
  • 01.01.1999 - 31.12.2001
Heinz Schandl (internal)
  • Research staff
  • 01.01.1999 - 31.12.2001


Project type Grant-supported research
Funding type Other
Research type No research type selected
Subject areas
  • 1921 - Long-term ecological research *
  • 2944 - Human ecology *
  • 5924 - Environmental economics *
  • 5914 - Environmental research *
  • 5425 - Environmental sociology *
  • 5368 - Sustainable development, sustainable economics *
Research Cluster No research Research Cluster selected
Gender aspects 0%
Project focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: n.a.)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups No working group selected


No partner organisations selected